Chrono Quiz Flashcards
When does Hinduism begin to develop?
2300-1500 BCE
Hinduism begins to develop between 2300-1500 BCE
When does Judaism begin to develop?
1500 BCE
Judaism begins to develop around 1500 BCE
When does Confucianism begin to develop?
500’s BCE
Confucianism begins to develop in the 500’s BCE
When does Buddhism begin to develop?
400’s BCE
Buddhism begins to develop in the 400’s BCE
When does Christianity begin to develop?
100’s CE
Christianity begins to develop in the 100’s CE
When does Islam begin to develop?
600’s CE
Islam begins to develop in the 600’s CE
When was the Mongol invasion of Kyivan Rus?
The Mongol invasion of Kyivan Rus occurred in 1242
When was the Mongol invasion of the Abbasid Dynasty?
The Mongol invasion of the Abbasid Dynasty occurred in 1258
When was the Mongol invasion of the Song Dynasty?
The Mongol invasion of the Song Dynasty occurred in 1271
When did the Black death rage across Europe and Eurasia?
The Black death raged across Europe and Eurasia in 1346
When did the Ming Dynasty conquer the Yuan Dynasty?
The Ming Dynasty conquered the Yuan Dynasty in 1368
Vatican passes the series of ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ policies?
When was the Ottoman Conquest of the Byzantine Empire?
The Ottoman Conquest of the Byzantine Empire occurred in 1453
When did Guru Nanak begin Sikhism?
Guru Nanak began Sikhism in 1469
Spanish Reconquista ends after 700 years?
1490 + 1493
Spanish Reconquista ends after 700 years in 1492
When was the first encounter of the Arawak & Spanish?
The first encounter of the Arawak & Spanish was in 1492
When did the Protestant Reformation disrupt religious rule in Europe?
The Protestant Reformation disrupted religious rule in Europe in 1517
The Maafa Trans Atlantic Slave Trade begins in South America + Mughal Empire begins on the Indian subcontinent?
When did the European Scientific Revolution begin?
In what year did the European Scientific Revolution begin?
When did the Russian Empire expand eastward into Siberia?
In what year did the Russian Empire expand eastward into Siberia?
When did Trans-Atlantic slavery begin in North America?
In what year did Trans-Atlantic slavery begin in North America?
Ming dynasty collapses as the Qing dynasty begins?
In what year did the Ming dynasty collapse as the Qing dynasty began?
When did the Kongo Civil War weaken African resistance to Europe?
In what year did the Kongo Civil War weaken African resistance to Europe?
When did the Glorious Revolution spur the European Enlightenment?
In what year did the Glorious Revolution spur the European Enlightenment?
When did the Industrial Revolution begin in England and spread throughout Europe and North America?
In what period did the Industrial Revolution begin in England and spread throughout Europe and North America?
First wave of Revolution in the Age of Revolution leaves North and South America mostly independent of European colonial rule (& slavery by 1888)?
When was the British invasion of China in the Opium Wars?
In what year was the British invasion of China in the Opium Wars?
When did the Taipeng Rebellion intensify the Qing Dynasty decline?
In what year did the Taipeng Rebellion intensify the Qing Dynasty decline?
When was the British invasion of India in the Sepoy Indian Rebellion?
In what years was the British invasion of India in the Sepoy Indian Rebellion?
When did ‘On Origin of Species’ open gates to ‘Social Darwinism’?
When did Japan begin the era of ‘Western Modernization’ in the form of the Meiji Restoration?
Example sentence: The Meiji Restoration marked a significant turning point in Japanese history.
When did the Berlin Conference begin the devastating era of European Imperialism in Africa?
When did ‘Manifest Destiny’ end as the USA fully take over the Pacific West Coast?
When did the 1st Sino-Japanese War begin the era of Japanese imperialism in China?
When did the First Wave of Globalization in the form of European Imperialism occur in North and South America?
When did the failed Boxer Rebellion intensify European Imperialism in China?
When did the Russo-Japanese War begin an era of Japanese Imperialism in Korea?
When did the Xinhai Revolution bring an end to Qing Dynasty and dynastic rule in China?
When did the First World War erupt and continue across the globe until 1918 with the USA emerging as a superpower?
When did the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia begin as the world’s first communist revolution?
When did the Treaty of Versailles formally end the First World War?
When did the Great Depression cause dramatic worldwide shifts in global influence structures and socio-economic ideologies?
When did the Soviet Union leader Josef Stalin wage genocide against Ukraine in the Holodomor?
When did the Second World War begin in east Asia with the Japanese invasion in Nanking followed by the outbreak of war in Europe with the Nazi-German invasion of Poland?
When did six million Jews in Europe get murdered in the Holocaust during the course of the Second World War which ends with the U.S. Atomic Bomb droppings on Japan?
Example sentence: The Holocaust was a tragic event in history.
When did India’s independence from Britain mark the start of the Age of Decolonization from European empires & influence in Africa & Asia?
When did the Founding of Israel on the once British-occupied Palestine begin a new era of enduring ethnic conflict?
When did the Chinese Communist Revolution triumph in victory with the Chinese Nationalist Party fleeing to Taiwan?
When did the Korean War mark a new era of Cold War-proxy wars throughout the world until the collapse of the Soviet Union?
When did the Green Revolution begin?
When did the Digital Revolution begin with the advent of the internet?
When did the Islamic Revolution in Iran begin?
When did the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks set a new era of war on terror?
When did the Cold War begin between the Soviet Union & the United States?
Example sentence: The Cold War was a period of tension between the two superpowers.
When did the Korean War mark a new era of Cold War-Proxy wars throughout the world until the collapse of the Soviet Union?
The Chinese Civil War between the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party begins.