Chronic Dyspnoea Flashcards
What is the definition of dyspnoea?
Undue awareness of ones own breathing due to a change in either rate, depth or work of breathing (WOB)
What changes can lead to dyspnoea?
Changes in 02,CO2 or pH
Lung perfusion
Diffusion related issues (Interstitial lung disease)
Pump failure (spine, diaphragm, muscles)
What is an example of a disease which limits lung perfusion leading to dyspnoea?
Pulmonary Embolism
What is a common ventilation issue which can lead to dyspnoea?
What are some issues with muscles that can lead to dyspnoea?
Myasthenia gravis
Phrenic nerve palsy
Guillain barre syndrome
What are some systemic causes of dyspnoea?
Heart failure (leading to pulmonary oedema
What is orthopnoea?
Breathlessness on lying flat
What are some causes of Orthopnoea?
What is a good question to ask to gauge the severity?
Congestive heart failure
Severe COPD
How many pillows do you use to sleep at night
What is the term used to describe waking up in the night coughing due to fluid in lungs?
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
What can cause paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea?
Congestive heart failure
What is platypnoea orthodeoxia syndrome?
When patient is comfortable lying down but becomes breathless with dropping 02 sats when they stand up
What conditions does Platypnoea orthodeoxia syndrome suggest?
AV shunting (Pulmonary AV fistula)
Patent Foramen Ovale
What is trepopnoea?
Laying on one side causes breathlessness
What is trepopnoea suggestive of?
Unilateral. Lung disease
Compression related to big tumour
Pleural effusion
Aneurysm of aorta
Large hiatus hernia
What is bendopnoea?
What can you ask a patient to gauge?
SOB on bending down
Ask if the can tie their shoe laces
What are some causes of bendopnoea?
Congestive heart failure
Pleural effusion