Chromosomes and Chromosomal Abnormalities Flashcards
3 types of Chromosomal structure
1) Metacentric
2) Submetacentric (p and q subunits)
3) Acrocentric (entirely below central line)
3 types of Chromosomal structure
1) Metacentric
2) Submetacentric (p and q subunits)
3) Acrocentric (entirely below central line)
Metaphase chromosomal structure
Stains show compaction
*there are different bands/stains per stage (ie: prophase has a lot)
Giemsa stain
Imaging chromosomal banding pattern
Dark bands
gene poor
Light bands
gene rich- 50+ genes per band
How do you profile chromosomes?
1) Size
2) Centromere position
3) Banding pattern
When is profiling chromosomes necessary?
1) Problems in early growth and development
2) Stillbirth and neonatal death
3) Infertility
4) Family History
5) Neoplasia
6) Pregnancy for mother of advanced maternal age
Tissue sources for profiling chromosomes
Blood (somatic cells) Cheek Cells (somatic cells)
Amniocentesis or CVS (prenatal screening)
Chromosomal analysis- duration?
Grow cells and stain DNA
Few days in between taking sample and getting diagnostic
Polyploid cells and organisms are those containing more than two paired (homologous) sets of chromosomes
presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell, for example when having 45 or 47 chromosomes when 46 is expected in a human cell.
the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell, or in the cells of an organism.
Euploidy is the state of a cell or organism having the same number of each homologous chromosome
Consequences of meiotic nondisjunction
trisomy and monosomy
Origins of nondisjunction
associated more with oocytes than spermatocytes
can be traces back to meiosis
Nondisjunction and maternal age
rate of nondisjunction pretty steady up until 34-35 with rise increase after that
practice guideline on prenatal aneuploidy screening and maternal age
maternal age independent- b/c improved low risk/noninvasive screening methods
Recommended for trisomy 13, 18, 21
can be offered for sex chromosome aneuploidy and possibly clinically relevant deletions
complications: maternal weight maternal aneuploidy organ transplant gestational stage
Chromosomes with viable aneuploidy
13, 18, 21, X, Y
Where do most nondisjunction events trace back to?
Meiosis 1 in mothe
Which nondisjunction event potentially results in the least clinically severe outcome for resulting conceptions or fetuses?
post-zygotic mitosis
Difference between triploid and trisomy?
triploid- 3N
trisomy- 2N + 1
Mitotic- post zygotic- nondisjunction
Results in number of normal cells and few trisomic and monosomic cells
The monosomic cells have a hard time surviving so die out
The trisomic (aneuploid) cells only 25% of total cell volume and thus less severe
Phenotype also depends on which cells have the trisomy
hybridization using a probe with a complimentary sequence to chromosome you care about
easier to do after baby is born
each spot represents a unique part of the genome
normal reference- green
fetal- red
isolate DNA from each sample
label DNA with fluorescent tags
Mix samples and hybridize to the microarray
Rinse away unbound material; scan with a laser microscope
~comparing relative quantities
~this lets you scan the entire genome at once and look for changes in copy number
What can a karyotype do?
> 7-10 million bp
Detects copy number variation and positioning
What can a microarray do?
Trisomy 18
Edwards syndrome
clench fist
rocker bottom left foot
low set, malformed ears
mental retardation and cardiac malformations
only 5% survive birth, only 10% of those live past 2 years
Trisomy 13
Patau Syndrome
Bilateral cleft lip
midline defects
heart, nervous system, growth malformations
Trisomy 21
Downs Syndrome
1 in 800
Hypotonia- low muscle tone
Short stature
open mouth with large tongue
Leukemia risk/ AD early onset
Robertsonian Translocation
46, XY, t(14;21), +21
46, XY, -14, t(14;21)
-as long as you have 2 copies of each you can by asymptomatic but at risk of passing it to child
Form of trisomy 21 with the highest risk of reoccurrence in subsequent pregnancy?
Robertsonian Trisomy 21
Dosage compensation
Males only have 1 X chromosome and females have 2….body tried to make it so that the double X acts like a single X –> leads to x inactivation in mammals
X inactivation
Doesn’t matter how many X always shutting it down
so if female has 3 X, 2 are shut down
if make has 2 X, 1 is shut down
Escape from X inactivation
some genes that are still expressed in an inactivated X chromosome (mainly a part of the p section of the chromosome)
clincal phenotype is generally milder
Monosomy X
Turner Syndrome
Diagnosis at birth or puberty Webbed neck Short stature lymph edema amenhorrea- absence of period infertility normal intelligence
Trisomy XXY
Klinefelter Syndrome
2nd X goes thru X-inactivation but still some phenotype is expressed
Gynecomastia- male breasts
Behavioral difficulties: learning, social, IQ
Paracentric inversions
pArA: an inversion that is away from centromere
*Inversions usually do not cause any abnormalities in carriers as long as the rearrangement is balanced with no extra or missing DNA
Pericentric Inversions
perI- inversion includes chromosome
Consequences of an inversion
Paracentric: Unbalanced offspring and genome instability
^chromosome has 2 centromeres and if spindle tries attaching at 2 spots, can rip the chromosome
Pericentric: Unbalanced offspring
Spectral Karyotyping (SKY)
Individual probe sets labelled in 24 different colors for each unique chromosome
Makes it easier to determine origin of any extra DNA
Especially useful to look for translocations..normal abnormalities would be obvious in normal G-banded karyotype
only use if expect substantial changes in # and structure
Reciprocal translocation
2 parts are swapped–> balanced translocation (# is still the same)
vast number are not going to create a fusion protein –> worry is at meiosis how will they be passed on
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
ie of reciprocal translocation
the t(9;22) gene acts like a kinase at the wrong times and places –> causes leukemia
46,XX, t(9;22)(q34;q11)
Principles of X inactivation
1) normally choice of Xi is random
2) choice may become non-random if one of the X chromosomes is severely defected in some way
What happens if one X chromosome is defective?
1) try to preserve the activity of one X equivalent
2) (if possible) preserve autosomal sequences
Unbalanced rearrangement
isochromosome- either 2 p arms or 2 q arms on the same chromosome thru deletion –> crossing over –> ring
Unbalanced rearrangement - Turner’s Syndrome
45, XO = 46, XX, i(Xq)
5p15 deletion
Cri du chat
cry that sounds like a cat
mental retardation
microcephaly- abnormal head
Metaphase chromosomal structure
Stains show compaction
*there are different bands/stains per stage (ie: prophase has a lot)
Giemsa stain
Imaging chromosomal banding pattern
Dark bands
gene poor
Light bands
gene rich- 50+ genes per band
How do you profile chromosomes?
1) Size
2) Centromere position
3) Banding pattern
When is profiling chromosomes necessary?
1) Problems in early growth and development
2) Stillbirth and neonatal death
3) Infertility
4) Family History
5) Neoplasia
6) Pregnancy for mother of advanced maternal age
Tissue sources for profiling chromosomes
Blood (somatic cells) Cheek Cells (somatic cells)
Amniocentesis or CVS (prenatal screening)
Chromosomal analysis- duration?
Grow cells and stain DNA
Few days in between taking sample and getting diagnostic
Polyploid cells and organisms are those containing more than two paired (homologous) sets of chromosomes
presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell, for example when having 45 or 47 chromosomes when 46 is expected in a human cell.
the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell, or in the cells of an organism.
Euploidy is the state of a cell or organism having the same number of each homologous chromosome
Consequences of meiotic nondisjunction
trisomy and monosomy
Origins of nondisjunction
associated more with oocytes than spermatocytes
can be traces back to meiosis
Nondisjunction and maternal age
rate of nondisjunction pretty steady up until 34-35 with rise increase after that
practice guideline on prenatal aneuploidy screening and maternal age
maternal age independent- b/c improved low risk/noninvasive screening methods
Recommended for trisomy 13, 18, 21
can be offered for sex chromosome aneuploidy and possibly clinically relevant deletions
complications: maternal weight maternal aneuploidy organ transplant gestational stage
Chromosomes with viable aneuploidy
13, 18, 21, X, Y
Where do most nondisjunction events trace back to?
Meiosis 1 in mother
Which nondisjunction event potentially results in the least clinically severe outcome for resulting conceptions or fetuses?
post-zygotic mitosis
Difference between triploid and trisomy?
triploid- 3N
trisomy- 2N + 1
Mitotic- post zygotic- nondisjunction
Results in number of normal cells and few trisomic and monosomic cells
The monosomic cells have a hard time surviving so die out
The trisomic (aneuploid) cells only 25% of total cell volume and thus less severe
Phenotype also depends on which cells have the trisomy
hybridization using a probe with a complimentary sequence to chromosome you care about
easier to do after baby is born
each spot represents a unique part of the genome
normal reference- green
fetal- red
isolate DNA from each sample
label DNA with fluorescent tags
Mix samples and hybridize to the microarray
Rinse away unbound material; scan with a laser microscope
~comparing relative quantities
~this lets you scan the entire genome at once and look for changes in copy number
What can a karyotype do?
> 7-10 million bp
Detects copy number variation and positioning
What can a microarray do?
Trisomy 18
Edwards syndrome
clench fist
rocker bottom left foot
low set, malformed ears
mental retardation and cardiac malformations
only 5% survive birth, only 10% of those live past 2 years
Trisomy 13
Patau Syndrome
Bilateral cleft lip
midline defects
heart, nervous system, growth malformations
Trisomy 21
Downs Syndrome
1 in 800
Hypotonia- low muscle tone
Short stature
open mouth with large tongue
Leukemia risk/ AD early onset
Robertsonian Translocation
46, XY, t(14;21), +21
46, XY, -14, t(14;21)
-as long as you have 2 copies of each you can by asymptomatic but at risk of passing it to child
Form of trisomy 21 with the highest risk of reoccurrence in subsequent pregnancy?
Robertsonian Trisomy 21
Dosage compensation
Males only have 1 X chromosome and females have 2….body tried to make it so that the double X acts like a single X –> leads to x inactivation in mammals
X inactivation
Doesn’t matter how many X always shutting it down
so if female has 3 X, 2 are shut down
if make has 2 X, 1 is shut down
Escape from X inactivation
some genes that are still expressed in an inactivated X chromosome (mainly a part of the p section of the chromosome)
clincal phenotype is generally milder
Monosomy X
Turner Syndrome
Diagnosis at birth or puberty Webbed neck Short stature lymph edema amenhorrea- absence of period infertility normal intelligence
Trisomy XXY
Klinefelter Syndrome
2nd X goes thru X-inactivation but still some phenotype is expressed
Gynecomastia- male breasts
Behavioral difficulties: learning, social, IQ
Paracentric inversions
pArA: an inversion that is away from centromere
*Inversions usually do not cause any abnormalities in carriers as long as the rearrangement is balanced with no extra or missing DNA
Pericentric Inversions
perI- inversion includes chromosome
Consequences of an inversion
Paracentric: Unbalanced offspring and genome instability
^chromosome has 2 centromeres and if spindle tries attaching at 2 spots, can rip the chromosome
Pericentric: Unbalanced offspring
Spectral Karyotyping (SKY)
Individual probe sets labelled in 24 different colors for each unique chromosome
Makes it easier to determine origin of any extra DNA
Especially useful to look for translocations..normal abnormalities would be obvious in normal G-banded karyotype
only use if expect substantial changes in # and structure
Reciprocal translocation
2 parts are swapped–> balanced translocation (# is still the same)
vast number are not going to create a fusion protein –> worry is at meiosis how will they be passed on
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
ie of reciprocal translocation
the t(9;22) gene acts like a kinase at the wrong times and places –> causes leukemia
46,XX, t(9;22)(q34;q11)
Principles of X inactivation
1) normally choice of Xi is random
2) choice may become non-random if one of the X chromosomes is severely defected in some way
What happens if one X chromosome is defective?
1) try to preserve the activity of one X equivalent
2) (if possible) preserve autosomal sequences
Unbalanced rearrangement
isochromosome- either 2 p arms or 2 q arms on the same chromosome thru deletion –> crossing over –> ring
Unbalanced rearrangement - Turner’s Syndrome
45, XO = 46, XX, i(Xq)
5p15 deletion
Cri du chat
cry that sounds like a cat
mental retardation
microcephaly- abnormal head