Chromosomal disorders Flashcards
Symptoms: Premature aging, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, multiple cancers
Problem: mutation in the WRN gene which codes for RecQ helicase, which unwinds DNA for homologous recombination and replication
Little old people
Werner syndrome
colorectal endometrial, gastric or urothelial carcinomas, glioblastomas: Onset<50 yo
autosomal dominant familial cancer syndrome
Defective mismatch repair pathway due to inherited mutations in one or more of the following genes (MSH 2,3,6 MLH1, PMS1,2)
1/200-1/500- 5% of all colon cancers, 7500 cases/yr
Lynch Syndrome/ (Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
Infant: incoordination, nystagmus
Childhood: immune deficiencies, frequent infections, capillary expansions,-easiest to see in bulbar conjunctivae, extremely sensitive to radiation, multiple cancers
Problem: Defective translation DNA replication and signaling to p53 due to mutation in the ATM gene that begins in infancy-homologous repair
Ataxia telangiectasia
Symptoms: short stature, narrow face w/ prominent nose, skin sensitivity to sun, butterfly shaped facial rash, immunodeficiency, cancer, possible mental retardation
Problem: defective DNA replication and recombinational repair due to mutation in BLM gene that encodes a RecQ like DNA helicase which unwinds the DNA in homologous recombination.
Bloom syndrome
Symptoms: premenopausal breast and ovarian carcinomas- 3% of breast cancers
Problem: defective homologous recombinational repair pathway due to mutations in BRCA 1/2
Autosomal dominant. BRCA 2 protein is twice the size of BRCA 1 protein
BRCA 1 mutations are associated w/ onset @ a younger age
BRCA 1/2- familial breast/ovarian cancer
4% of what translocation occurs between the chromosome 21 and another acrocentric chromosome
Robertsonian Translocation (14,22)
Defective nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway due to mutations in one or more of the following genes (8total): XP defective translation DNA replication.
1/1,000,000. 1000 fold increased risk of skin cancers
Children of the night
Xeroderma pigmentosum
Symptoms: short stature, myeloid cancers, digit abnormalities, café au lait spots
Problem: defective recombinational DNA repair due to mutation in one or more of the following genes which regulate interstrand DNA crosslink repair; FANCA, FANCC, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG
Fanconia Anemia
Symptoms: severe mental retardation starting @ 3-4 months old, epilepsy, microcephaly, musty odor, eczema, hypopigmentation
Problem: Phe hydroxylase deficiency; inability to process Phe into tyrosine, Phe buildup is toxic
Autosomal recessive, caucasian 1/10,000 Turkey 1/2,600
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Symptoms: Ptosis, dysphagia, dysphonia, facial weakness, weakness in proximal limbs, limited mobility, cant see very well- autosomal dominant-fully penetrant. Does not shorten life span
Problem: triplet repeat of GCG in PABPN1 gene on c14=hyperaggregation= toxic. Protein required for termination of Poly(A) tail synthesis @ 250-300 nucleotides
Autosomal dominant
Treatment: supportive, surgical correction of ptosis, diet adjustments
Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
Symptoms: long narrow face, prominent ears, jaw, forehead, enlarged testicles, mental impairment, ADHD, motor delays
Problem: triplet repeat expansion of CGG, mutation in the FMR-1 gene on the 5’UTR of the promoter of the gene for fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP)
- X linked dominant, male can be a carrier, female heterozygotes for triplet nucleotide expansions often develop problems such as ovarian failure and ataxia
*5-50 repeats=normal, 50-200=pre-mutation, >200= full mutation
Fragile X
Symptoms: corea, ataxia, dysarthria
Problems: CAG repeats located in exon 1 of the HD gene. HD gene is IT15 located at 4p16.3 and encodes the Huntington protein; regulates intracellular transport, fxns in transcription by shuttling transcription factors in and out of the nucleus required for normal embryonic development and neurognesis.
<26 normal, 27-35 does not cause, 36-39 variable penetrance >39 full penetrance
Autosomal dominant
Huntington’s disease
Symptoms: muscle weakness in arms/legs, loss of coordination, vision/hearing impairment, slurred speech, scoliosis, diabetes, heart disorders
Problem: triple repeat GAA in the intron @ FXN gene on c9 which encodes frataxin to remove iron from the cytoplasm around the mitochondria. Iron build up causes free radical damage to the mitochondrial membrane which effects nerve and muscle cells
Autosomal recessive- 1/50,000 in USA- 25% recurrence risk
Friedrich ataxia
Symptoms: cafe au lait spots, freckling, neurofibromas, lisch nodules, bony lesions, increased risk of cancers
Problem: deletion of NF1 gene @ 17q11.2 causing RAS-GTP lock in “on” position
100% penetrance, highly variable expressivity, new mutations acct for 50% of all cases- 1/3500
Autosomal dominant
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)
Symptom: abnormal cleft, flexed fingers, rocker bottom feet, normal birth weight, clenched fists, risks when mom >40 yo
Problem: trisomy
Patau syndrome- trisomy 13