chromosomal abnormalities Flashcards
- What is meant by karyotype?
An individual’s set of chromosomes in terms of number and structure of chromosomes
- How do you prepare a karyotype?
- Collect ~5ml heparinised venous blood
Can use amniotic cells, CVS- Isolate white cells
- Culture in presence of phytohaemagglutin
Stimulates T-lymphocyte growth/differentiation - After 48 hours add colchicine
Causes mitotic arrest - metaphase - Place in hypotonic saline
- Place on slide
- Fix and stain
- What is meant by chromatin?
- What stain is used to make a karytype?
A substance within a chromosome consisting of DNA and protein
Giemsa dye
- What are the 5 common structures, identified by the G-Banded architecture of a chromosome?
Telomere on either end of the chromosome
p-arm - short arm q-arm- long arm G-dark and G-light bands Centromere
- How would you refer to the small aberrations within chromosomes?
State whether they are on the p or q arm
State their band number (numbers go before letters) (based on position from centromere) State their sub-band number If possible state Sub-sub-band feature
- What does bphs stand for?
- What do the darker regions of a chromosome karyotype mean?
- What do the lighter regions of a chromosome karyotype mean?
Bands per haploid set
Dark = heterochromatin - more compact fewer genes Light = euchromatin - more open more genes
- Why are karyotypes performed more in Prophase rather than Metaphase?
- What is meant by Aneuploidy?
Because the chromosomes are less compact and therefore you get more detail from the karyotype
An abnormal number of chromosomes
- What is the purpose of meiosis?
- What method of genetic variation does meiosis enable?
To achieve reduction from diploid (2n = 46) to haploid (n = 23)
To ensure genetic variation in the gametes
Random assortment of homologues Recombination
- What is non-disjunction and what does it result in?
- If non-disjuncture occurs in meiosis I are all daughter cells affected?
- If non-disjuncture occurs in meiosis II are all daughter cells affected?
When chromosomes are not split properly between daughter cells
Always results in either 1+ (trisomy) or 1- (monosomy) chromosomes
No, half are affected
- What is the most common form of chromosomal abnormality?
- Why is sex imbalance tolerated?
Sex chromosome aneuploidy
X-inactivation of excess X chromosomes
Only 1 X chromosome activity
Low gene content of Y chromosome- so not much impact on phenotype
- Why, if inactivated, does abnormal number X have effect on phenotype?
Both X and Y chromosome have PAR (pseudo-autosomal region)
PAR still produces genes in this region
So when x chromosome is inactivated
genes in PAR region still active and can be transcribed (but autosomal function rather than sex chromosome)
- What is the second most common chromosomal abnormality in live births?
- What is this abnormality due to?
Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
3 copies of chromosome 21 Non-disjunction during maternal meiosis (85-90%)
- What is correlation between maternal age and cases of trisomy per 1000 births?
- Why is it then, that 75% of children with Down syndrome are born to mothers under 35 (younger)?
As maternal age increases, the number of cases rises exponentially
Because 90% of children are born to mothers at this age
- Why does the increased maternal age and increased risk of trisomy correlation exist?
Older the mother, the longer the oocyte has been in the state of meiosis
So chromosomes do not line up as neatly during metaphase Likely due to degradation of factors which hold homologous chromatids together (cohesin)
premature separation of homologous chromosomes into separate sister chromatids
- Why does non-disjunction occur in the spermatogenesis?
Primary spermatocyte undergoes ~ 23 mitotic divisions per year and potentially accumulate defects