Christological Heresies Flashcards
Stress humanity, deny divinity (ebionitism)
Jewish sect of Christians
Jesus was solely and purely human with charismatic gifts
Anointed as messiah at baptism, spirit came upon him.
Contemporary version: Unitarianism
Jesus is good man, a religious genius with exceptional insight
Paths toward error regarding Christology
Overemphasize Christ’s humanity, ignore divinity
Overemphasize Christ’s divinity, ignore humanity
Deny unity of natures
The fullness of God was present in the man Jesus and thus the way was secured whereby all humanity could be united to God. (HOD, p. 105)
Stress humanity, deny deity (adoptionism)
Denies eternal natural
Adopted by God at his baptism as Son of God
Stress humanity, deny divinity (Arianism)
Jesus is the supreme, first created being
Denies divinity
Contemporary version: Jehovah’s Witness
Refutation of ebionitism, adoptionism, Arianism
John 1:2-3
Philippians 2:6-11
Colossians 1:15-20
Hebrews 1:3
Stress divinity, deny humanity (docetism)
Gr. Dokeo: to seem
Jesus Christ was purely divine with only the appearance of human being
Stress divinity, deny humanity (Gnosticism)
Gr. Gnosis: to know
Matter is evil, therefore God cannot become material or human, duality of spiritual and physical
Jesus Christ just seemed human (docetic)
Importance of secret, special knowledge/revelation
Refutation of Gnosticism, docetism
John 1:1-18
1 John 1:1-3
1 John 2:18-27
1 John 4:1-6
Denial of the unity of the natures, nestorianism
Separation of Christ into two persons and two natures (Siamese twins)
Denies the incarnation
Jesus was a human bound morally in friendship with Logos (the Word)
Denial of unity of the natures eutychianism
Neither God nor man
A composite, third type of being
Denial of unity of the natures apollinarianism
Jesus possessed the body of a man, but the mind of God
A miraculous mixture
Soul is disengaged from the body
Logos takes the place of the soul, a soul-less being
Refutation of nestorianism, eutychianism, apollinarianism
John 5:6-12
Hebrews 1:1-6
Hebrews 2:9-17
1 Timothy 3:16
Council of Nicea - 325 C.E
Countered Arianism, Christ’s nature is of the same substance with the Father
Emphasized the incarnation, union of the natures
Emphasized mission
Nicene creed