Christmas tests Flashcards
When something is a bit off
When someone favourites one side
Making something sound bigger then it is
A way of presenting information in order to influence people’s opinions may be false
Primary source
Coming directly from the past eg.interviews,diary
Secondary sources
When something is written after the event happened eg. A history book
When people used writing
Before people used writing
How cites are chosen
There might be a document that shows that a building used to be there
Before a new road or building is being made they often excavated
Hunter gatherers
They get food by hunting animals and nuts and berries
Tools and weapons did they use
Farmers used stone tools and Flint and axe heads were other weapons
Wool was available for clothes
People weave cloth
The steps of pottery are to get a lump of wet clay mood it with their fists and put them in the fire they might have patterns
They had stone walls around the fields for fences this kept sheep and Cattle safe from any wild animal and to stop them running away
They grew crops. A quern stone was used to grind grain into flour for bread
A tomb made of stone
Court cairns
Northern half of the country. They get their name from an open area. They might have been used for religious ceremony’s. It is made of stone. Inside there is a passage leading to a chamber
Passage tombs
They are like court cairns.but much bigger. They are the most impressive tomb. Inside there is a long passage leading to a chamber. In the chamber dead bodies were found.
What skills did bronze people have
They mined copper
They made bronze
Fulacht fiadh
It means deer roast
It might have been used all year round or just in the summer
Cist graves
A pit in the ground lined with stone slabs
Some contains cremated remains or biddies there they burried tools with the baddie
Stone circles
Tall upright stone arranged in rows or circles
Some with human remains within them
The largest Celtic monastery
Life in a Celtic monastery
Monks lived there each monk had a role to play such as a farmer,cooks and craftsmen
The book of Kelly’s is a manuscript
Manuscript are books that monks invented made by scribes
How do we now about Romans
Archeologist have excavated many places where the Romans lived
The Romans wrote stories