Christmas Quiz Flashcards
John Ross
Principal Chief of the Cherokee Indians who tried to use legal means to fight against removal
John Marshall
Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court who ruled in favor of the Cherokee in the Worcester v. GA Case
Dred Scott
Supreme Court Ruling in 1857 that declared slaves were not citizens of the United States and were considered property by their owners
Alexander Stephens
Important GA politician who was a US senator, GA governor, and vice president of the Confederated States of America
Henry McNeal Turner
African-American GA Legislator during the Reconstruction period. He & 26 other black legislators were denied their seats in the General Assembly because of racism.
Radical Republicans
Group of Northern Republicans who wanted to punish the Southern States and to ensure civil rights for African-Americans. Supported the Congressional Reconstruction
Name Given to Southern Democrats who regained power in GA after reconstruction, beginning a new age of white supremacy in the South. the Bourbon Triumvirate
Bourbon Triumvirate
3 Powerful GA Politicians dominated GA politics for over 20 years
W.E.B. Dubois
Civil Rights Leader who fought for immediate social & political rights for African-Americans; founder of the NAACP
Rebecca Latimer Felton
GA Writer, political activist, social reformer, segregationist, and first female US senator who supported women’s suffrage.
Henry Grady
editor for the Atlanta Journal
newspaper who promoted the concept of the “New South”; persuaded northern investors to rebuild Atlanta and the Georgia Economy
Herndon, Alonzo
former slave, sharecropper, barber, owner of rental houses, and founder of the Atlanta Mutual Life Insurance company; symbol of economic success for African-Americans
John Hope
an important educator, civil rights leader, & social reformer; president of Morehouse and Atlanta University, member of the NAACP, husband of Lugenia Hope
Lugenia Burns Hope
community organizer, reformer, & social activist, supported women’s voting rights and educational opportunities for African-Americans; wife of John Hope
Leo Frank
Northern Jewish pencil factory manager was accused of murdering 13 year old Mary Phagan; found guilty of the crime and sentenced to death, his sentence was later reduced to life due to additional evidence. However, a group of men took Franknout of his prison cell and lynched him in Marietta
Populist Party
short lived political party made up of rural farmers
Homer Plessy
Key Member of the US supreme court case that established the separate but equal doctrine, thus promoting segregation.
Tom Watson
lawyer, writer, and Populist party politician from GA; most well known for his rural free delivery bill; outspoken & against the New South movement
Eugene Talmadge
Four Time GA Governor that fought against Roosevelt’s New Deal policies; strict segregationist
Carl Vinson
known as the father of the two ocean navy, brought shipyards to Savannah and Brunswick; Georgia Congressman who was an advocate for a strong US Military
Richard Russell
Georgia Governon and influential long term US senator. Responsible for bringing many military bases to GA; school lunch program; the CDC; but was a segregationist
Ellis Arnall
progressive GA Governor who is credited for restoring accreditation to the state’s colleges and universities, lowering the voting age, and abolishing the poll tax
Ivan Allen
mayor of Atl who was instrumental in the development of the city bringing major league sports teams to Atlanta & key figure in the civil rights movement
William B. Hartsfield
Atlanta’s longest serving mayor who was instrumental in bringing an airport to the city & worked with civil rights leaders
Hamilton Holmes
the first African-American male to integrate UGA
Charlayne Hunter
the first African-American female to integrate UGA
Maynard Jackson
first African-American mayor of a major southern city; would also help bring the Olympic Games to Atlanta; expanded the Atlanta airport
Lester Maddox
segregationist business owner of the Pickrick Cafe; the last segregationist governor in GA; desegregated the GA Highway Patrol & other state departments
Benjamin Mays
Civil Rights Activist, president of Morehouse College, and mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Herman Talmadge
segregationist GA Governor and US Senator; son of Governor Eugene Talmadge, Won a special election during the Three Governor’s Controversy
Melvin Thompson
Lieutenant Governor of GA who was part of the Three Governor’s Controversy in 1946. Lost a special election to Herman Talmadge
Andrew Young
important civil rights leader who served as a US ambassador to the United Nations and Mayor of Atlanta; was also instrumental in bringing the 1996 Olympic Games
Intake Officer
a law enforcement agent who decides if there is enough evidence to bring a charge against a juvenile
to make legally null & void. cancellation of a federal law
Nullification Crisis
South Carolina attempted to make null & void the National Tariff of 1832. As tensions increased, South Carolina threatened secession and Andrew Jackson threatened to send troops
The Written Language of the Cherokee Indians
Treaty of New Echota
treaty between the US Government and a minority representation of the Cherokee tribe that ceded all
Cherokee land in the southeast to the US and allowed for their move to Indian Territory
Treaty of New York
treaty signed by Creek Indians & US Gov’t that ceded land to the US in return for allowing Creeks to punish non- Indian trespassers on Creek Land
Worcester v. GA
landmark Supreme Court case which declared that the Cherokee were sovereign and not subject to the laws of the US.
Anaconda Plan
Union Blockade Strategy during the Civil War that blocked Southern ports to limit Confederate imports & exports and slowly weaken the Southern economies
Compromise of 1850
Compromise between the North & South that allowed California to enter the union in exchange for the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act that required northern to return runaway slaves to South
Dred Scot Case
Supreme Court Ruling that declared slaves were not citizens of the US
Fugitive Slave Act
act that required runaway slaves to be returned to their masters if caught anywhere in the US
Kansas-Nebraska Act
act that allowed the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted to enter the union as free or slave states
Missouri Compromise
compromise that brought Missouri into the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Congress banned slavery north of the 36°20’ line of Latitude
Popular Sovereignity
Allowing Political decisions to be made by the vote of the people; concept of the Kansas-Nebraska act
Battle of Antietam
Union Victory; Bloodiest one day battle in Civil War
Battle of Chickamauga
Confederate Victory; largest and bloodiest battle fought in Ga
Atlanta Compromise Speech
speech made by Booker T. Washington at the international cotton exposition; stated that blacks should accept segregation in exchange for economic opportunity; both would lead to mutual progress
Atlanta Race Riot
48 hour riot in Atlanta caused by economic competition and false newspaper accounts of African American men attacking white women
County Unit System
a voting system that gave more power to Georgia’s rural counties than urban ones
to deprive a person the right to votes or rights of citizenship
Grandfather Clause
If a person’s father could vote before the Civil War, they would be able to vote as well; disenfranchised blacks while allowing poor or uneducated whites to be exempt from the literacy test or poll tax.
International Cotton Exposistion
a series of three large events established to display Atlanta’s growth and industrial capabilities and to lure Northern investment to the region
Leo Frank Case
trial where leo frank was accused of murdering 13 year old mary phagan found guilty & sentenced to death
New South
Period after Reconstruction where political and community leaders in the South sought to diversify GA’s economy and bring Northern technology to the state
Poll Tax
required voters to pay a fee in order to vote
Plessy V. Ferguson
supreme court case that established the separate but equal doctrine, promoting segregation
Agricultural Adjustment Act
a New Deal program that paid farmers a subsidy not to grow crops in order to increase the price of agricultural products, which would allow farmers to earn higher profits and get out of debt
Boll Weevil
Insect whose larvae feed on cotton crop
Civilian Conservation Corps
hired unemployed young men to work on public work.
Drought of 1924
worst drought in GA’s history; led to economic depression in the state
Reduction in Purchasing
economic fears caused consumer to stop buying manufactured products, led to companies losing money and laying off employees
Rural Electrification Act
designed to build the capabilities to bring electricity to rural areas
Social Security Act
provided retirement and unemployment insurance for American taxpayers
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
a tariff on European goods that closed European markets to American businesses
Bell Aircraft
factory located in Marietta,GA, that produced B-29 bombers for the US war effort
Lend-lease act
allowed the US government to send billions of dollars in supplies and military equipment to allied counties in exchange for US rights in their military bases
Liberty Ships
US Cargo ships made during World War 2
Savannah and Brunswick Ship Yards
GA’s 2 deep water ports; during world war 2, 187 liberty ships were constructed there, which boosted the GA economy.
Warm Springs
Home to President Roosevelt’s little white house
1946 Governors Race
aka 3 Governors Controversy. Due to the death of the 1946 governor’s race winner, Eugene Talmadge, and recent changes to the GA State Constitution, three men had a legitimate claim to the office; the matter was settled by the Supreme Court and a special election in 1948
1956 State Flag
Controversial flag that flew over Ga from 1956-2001. The flag was controversial due to the flag’s prominent Confederate Battle emblem and symbolism of segregation
Albany Movement
An organized civil rights protest led by the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee to desegregate the city of Albany, GA; failed attempt bc protestors were arrested & jailed
Sibley Commission
investigation by lawyer John Sibley to determine what should be done about integration in the state; though 60% of georgians claimed they would rather close public schools then integrate, Sibley recommended that local school
systems desegregate when they were ready
Part of a Supreme Court ruling that mandated congressional districts needed to be divided by population with each district having a roughly equal number of voters
Two Party System
a democratic form of gov’t where two major parties dominate the political landscape
End of County Unit System
A political policy that gave each county a certain number of votes based on three categories (rural, town, urban) system was ended because it violated the “one man-one vote” doctrine and rural counties w/ less population had more voting power than more populated urban counties