Christmas Lies Flashcards
Romans 15:4
Scriptures were written for our understanding so we can find comfort
John 29:13
draw close with mouth but are very far, precept taught by men
Ezekiel 13:3
woe unto them who teach lies
Colossians 2:8
Don’t follow traditions of man
John 10:22
Feast of Dedication it was winter
1 Peter 2:21
Follow example Christ left for us, keep feast days etc
John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice
John 6:64
He knows who’s going to betray him
John 8:58
Before Abraham was I am
Psalm 35:15-
All their feast mock us
Deu 28:23
Original jingle bells were about us escaping and them hearing the bells over us, Shackles on head and ankles
Luke 2:40-
Christ Born on Passover
Job 8:8
Mindset we should have, need to search of History
Matthew 15:3
Why do you go against commandments for your traditions
Luke 6:46
Call him Lord but don’t do what he says