Christmas carol Flashcards
Marley was
Dead to begin with
He was as
Hard and sharp as flint
Solitary as
An oyster
His eyes red
His thin lips blue
And spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice
Heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge
The fog
Came pouring in from every chink and keyhole
Scroog had
A small fire
His face was
Ruddy and handsome
His eyes sparkled
What reason have you to be
Youre poor enough
What reason have you to be
Youre rich enough
Are there no
Are there no workhouses
Many can’t go ther
And many would rather die
Decrease the
Surplus population
I dont make merry
Myself and I can’t afford to make idle people merry
Not a knocker
But Marleys face
If that spirit goes not
Forth in life
It is condemned to do so after death
I wear the
Chain i forged in life
I made it
Link by link and yard by yard
Was my buisness
Would you so soon
Put out ,with worldly hands, the light i give
A solitary
Neglected by his friends