CHRISTINA Flashcards
Rossetti’s poems encourage . . .
Rossetti’s poems encourage women to claim independence and agency.
- Simon Avery (Rossetti’s Aims)
Resignation to a life of . . .
Resignation to a life of anonymity and obscurity was not in her nature.
- Barbara Morden (Rossetti’s Nature)
Rossetti cannot be characterised as . . .
Rossetti cannot be characterised as languid and depressed.
- Barbara Morden (Rossetti’s Character)
Rossetti had a passionate sense of the . . .
Rossetti had a passionate sense of the responsibility of life.
- Fredegond Shove
A source of inspiration and . . .
A source of inspiration and of joy.
- Fredegond Shove
It is wiser to remain . . .
It is wiser to remain ignorant than to learn evil… it is better to avoid doubts than to reject them.
- Rossetti
Rossetti creates a . . .
Rossetti creates a rudimentary framework of behaviour in which a heroine might operate.
- Phillips
Rossetti’s poems display . . .
Rossetti’s poems display Augustinian patterns of conversion and confession.
- Unknown (Link to Religion)
Her motifs derive from . . .
Her motifs derive from rural and biblical symbols.
- Sarah Phillips (Religion, Rossetti’s belief of marriage etc.)
Rossetti’s poems repeatedly struggle with . . .
Rossetti’s poems repeatedly struggle with religious doubt, frustration and fear.
- Avery (Link to Religion, Marriage etc.)
Mature poetic style, in which pain, loss and resignation are expressed in . . .
Mature poetic style, in which pain, loss and resignation are expressed in diction and images that strike the reader as simple, perfect and effortless.
- Poetry Foundation 3 (poetic style)
Biographers have painted an . . .
Biographers have painted an overly simplistic portrait of the middle-aged Rossetti as narrowly conservative, recluse and overly pious.
- Poetry Foundation 5 (middle-aged)
Typically, Rossetti’s poems evince a . . .
Typically, Rossetti’s poems evince a concern with individual salvation rather than social reform.
- Poetry Foundation 6 (salvation)
A girl that has been plagued by sickness and . . .
A girl that has been plagued by sickness and the threat of death all her adolescent life would have found the thought of martyrdom comforting.
- Lars Wallner
Rossetti’s personas often identify with, and feel ensnared by . . .
Rossetti’s personas often identify with, and feel ensnared by, the fruitless cycles and frustrating self-contradictions of the natural world.
- Brad Sullivan
A powerful tension between control and . . .
A powerful tension between control and chaos, between self-assertion and self-destruction, creates much of the intensity of her poetry.
- Brad Sullivan
There is nothing meek or self-effacing in her . . .
There is nothing meek or self-effacing in her demand for emotional fulfilment.
- Pamela Bickley
The vivid strangeness of her . . .
The vivid strangeness of her imagery is compelling.
- Pamela Bickley