Christians' Beliefs Flashcards
Christianity Symbols
> the cross of Jesus which symbolises the salvation gained by Jesus through his death and Resurrection. focus the mind on Jesus’ sacrifice and his defeat over evil
a white dove represents The Holy Spirit or the Third Person in the Holy Trinity, symbol of peace, Jesus left The Holy Spirit to bring peace and guidance
shaking hands during Church services, shaking hands and saying ‘peace be with you’ represents the idea all Christians share’ fellowship’ or brotherhood and the peace of Jesus
Christianity Images
> image of ‘God the Father’ as God is a spirit and doesn’t have a body, he cannot be a father as such but the image is used to describe God who is loving, caring and gives life
God is called ‘The Good Shepherd’ as it describes a caring and tender nature of a shepherd who cares for his sheep
Who or What is God or the ‘Ultimate Being’?
God is an omnipotent and omniscient spirit Being who holds the world in his hands and is worshipped
What do Christians believe God is like?
>God is a Spirit who is eternal >God is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent >God sustains the world > God is transcendent and immanent >God is Judge and Trinity
J - judge E - eternal S - spirit U - un-understandable S - sustains the world B - benevolent O - omnipotent O - omniscient T - trinity T - transcendent S - so great he is always everywhere (immanent)
What is the Trinity?
> Christians believe God is Trinity as they believe God is ‘Three-in-One’
Three persons in One God - ‘God the Father’, ‘God the Son’, ‘God the Holy Spirit’
Difficult to understand, Christians believe that the Doctrine, teaching of the Trinity, is a mystery beyond human understanding
Who is God the Father?
> first person in the Holy Trinity
created the world as described in the Genesis Creation Story and sustains the world
lord and giver of life
written in the Book of Job 12:10, ‘In his hands is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind’
sent down Jesus his only son to die for humanity so that people can have eternal life
Who is Jesus?
> second person in the Holy Trinity
>son of God and the incarnation as God became a human being in the person of Jesus
What do Christians mean when they say Jesus is Lord?
> Jesus is equal to God the Father
Jesus rules the world and heaven and sits at God’s right hand
Christians worship and follow Jesus’ example and make him Lord or King of their lives
What do Christians mean when they say Jesus is Redeemer?
> through his death on the cross Jesus paid the ransom price to set people free from slavery of sin
Christians believe Jesus us the Saviour of the world because it is through his sacrifice people’s sins can be forgiven and they can have eternal life.
the friendship between God and humans was restored to its original state or made good again through his sacrifice
What do Christians mean when they say that Jesus is the Incarnation?
> God cane down to Earth in the person of Jesus and was born in the person of Jesus as a human being
Mary conceived Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit
Jesus was fully human and at the same time fully divine
incarnation is a mystery as it beyond human understanding to be fully human and fully divine at the same time
What does the word ‘Revelation’ mean in Christianity?
> religious truths or beliefs have been shown to humanity or God has shown about himself
Christians believe what God has revealed about himself is written in the Bible
a lot of God’s revelations came through Prophets or God’s messengers and Christians believe God’s most perfect revelation is through Jesus
What is the best way people can know God?
> Christians believe through Jesus as he is the Incarnation or God in the flesh
Jesus said, ‘Who has seen me has seen the Father’
How do Christians use symbols or symbolism in worship?
> Roman Catholic Christians make the sign of the cross with their right hand by touching their forehead, chest, left shoulder and right shoulder and say ‘In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen’
How do Christians respond to God through vocation?
> doing their chosen job with devotion and dedication in service of others for the good of humanity
try to imitate Jesus in all they do and show love and concern for everyone as they go about their daily lives