Christianity - Unit 1 Flashcards
God is One
-Belief in one God is monotheism.
The Omni Attributes
Omnipotent - God is all-powerful
Omniscient - God is all-knowing
Omnipresent - God is everywhere
Omnibenevolent- God is all-loving
Explain for the Omniscient
He knows everything - he is omniscient. This knowledge includes all the past, present and future actions of human beings. His infinite wisdom and goodness explain His sense of justice and ability to judge.
Explain for Omnipotent
He is also all powerful - He is omnipotent. He is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abundant in kindness and truth/
-Capable of doing anything and everything, only something all powerful could create earth.
Explain for Omnipresent
He exits everywhere at the same time - He is omnipresent. God is distinct from the universe but inhabits the entirety of it.
Explain for omnibenevolent
Omnibenevolent - this means all loving. God is the source of goodness and love in the world. Gods greatest act of love was sending His Son Jesus to earth.
Quote for Omnipotent
‘God said let there be light’ Genesis 1
Explanation of OmniPotent Quote
Shows Gods almighty power as he could speak his will into creation.
God the Creator
Christian’s believe that God created the earth. Most Roman Catholics accept contextual interpretation about God being the Creator, Contextual interpretation means they consider the text and the context it was written in.
Quote for God the Creator
Genesis 1:1 ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’
God the Creator Quote Analysis
The quote implies that God was the original creator who made the earth and also the visible and invisible. The visible means the parts of creation we can see such as the earth and humans. The invisible means the heavens and the Soul God gave us.
The Trinity
Christians believe in the Trinity - God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. These are not three Gods, but one; one God shown through three aspects or natures.
God the Father
The Father is the source of all life, the creator. Everything that exists has been brought into existence by God. So God the Father is transcendent, that is God is above and beyond His creation.
God is the Father quote
‘Our Father, who art in heaven’
God is the father quote explanation
God the Father created us and all life on earth. He is the creator of all things and He is the reason we are here on earth, it’s all for Him.
God the Son
Jesus is God the Son. Jesus is the perfect role model; what Jesus did and said showed something of God. He is both fully God and fully man. The salvation of humanity is accomplished when Jesus comes to earth as the Son.
God the Son quote
“I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord.”
God the Son analysis
God the Son came to earth to spread the word of God and teach us how to follow His teachings.
God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God, co-equal with God the Father and God the Son and is of the same essence. They are distinct from one another in terms of their personal relationship.
Free Will
gave humans the ability to choose how they act, and gave them a moral conscience to help guide them. This is the gift of free will. He knew that for humans to be truly free, they had to have a choice as to how they acted.
Quote about Free Will
‘We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love Him’ - Catechism of the Catholic Church 1033
Explain quote Free Will
Free Will meaning free choice, God has purposefully chose not to force people to love him, he let them have the choice so their love was true.
Original Sin
Due to Adams failures in the Garden of Eden, the whole of humanity carries the same stain of sin and suffers and dies. Human Free Will was weakened, though not totally destroyed, by sin and choices often would under the influence of original sin, outweighs good intentions and choices.
Original Sin Quote
‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her’ John 8
Explain Original Sin quote
Everyone has sin, no one is more righteous than another, this suggests we cannot judge others for their sins as we have no right to.
An attitude that we do not own the gifts God has given us, but are trustees of those gifts. Thus, we have a responsibility to care for the created world and other human beings.
Beliefs about Jesus: Incarnation
Incarnation is the Christian belief about Jesus that God took the human form by becoming Jesus. The Incarnation means ‘to take on flesh’. Christian’s believe the Incarnation shows that Jesus was fully God and fully human.