Christianity: The Nature Of God + Human Beings Flashcards
God the Father
The first person of the Trinity, the eternal creator.
God the Son
A term referring to Jesus of Nazareth which acknowledges his unique relationship to the Father. The second person of the Trinity.
The Holy Spirit
The comforter who guides believers, the third person of the Trinity.
Theological Truth
A statement about the nature of God or the relationship between God and humans.
The Trinity
The belief held by Christians that God is one, but exist in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God is Everywhere
Beyond space, time and the physical universe
What is the difference between a scientific truth and a theological truth?
A scientific truth is something that can be proven with science, whereas a theological truth is a statement about the nature of God, or God and his relationship with humans, that isn’t always proven scientifically.
What do Christians believe about the Nature of God? (5)
Christians believe that God is One - meaning that there is only one single God, there is no other God with him.
Christians believe that God is Omnipresent - meaning that He is everywhere.
Christians believe that God is Omnipotent - meaning that He is All-Powerful
Christians believe that God is Omniscient - meaning that He is All-Knowing
Christians believe that God is Transcendent - meaning that He is beyond the laws of physics, space and time.
Christians believe that God is the Creator - meaning that He created all things in the universe.
Explain why beliefs about the Nature of God are important for Christians today. (4)
- Beliefs about the Nature of God are important for Christians today because God is the creator, which gives purpose to you as a person because you believe that God did not create you by chance.
- Christians believe that God is All-Powerful. If they didn’t believe that God was All-Powerful, they would not believe in him as they think God is not be able to help them.
- God is Omniscient (All-Knowing) which means that God iswatching them, this helps people to know that they are not alone in this world, that God is with you every step of the way.
- Because God is Omniscient, people might think againbefore committing an action that they know the God wouldn’t be pleased with.
- Because God is Omnipotent, Christians believe that you should never lose hope in God because He can make anything happen. For example, if someone has a physical illness, they can hope in God because He can make miracles happen for those people.
- Because God is Omni-Benevolent, Christians can be sure they they are loved and cared for by God.
- Because of the trinity, the father, son and Holy Spirit, it helps us better understand God at a deeper level because we can all understand roles within a family.
Close to people. This finds ultimate expression in Jesus, who is Emmanuel (God with us).
Many believe that God acts in the events of history, and affects the course of events in the physical world.
“Christian belief about the nature of God does not make sense.” How
far do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (8)
Creator – This helps Christians to feel that they are important and have
meaning and purpose.
Omni-attributes – God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all loving. This makes
Christians feel important, loved and protected by God
God is One – Belief in one God helps people to more easily understand the
nature of God because there is only one.
Trinity – Understanding God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit helps us to relate
to God better because we can all relate to the different roles within a family.
The Trinity is a contradiction as one God cannot be split into three different entities, and a God (Jesus), cannot be begotten from someone who isn’t a God (Mary).
If God was All-Loving and Merciful to his creatures, how can he send them to eternal separation from Him in the Hellfire?
How can God the Son live for a certain amount of years on this Earth and then die even though he is a God? This doesn’t make him God, rather it makes him human, not God.
If God was Omni-Benevolent, then why would He send natural disasters upon his creation, causing them to die?
If God was Omnipotent, why couldn’t he create the Earth where natural disasters weren’t needed for the ecosystem of the Earth to continue normally?
Describe what Christianity believes about the Nature of Human Beings? State at least 4.
- God created humans in his image and likeness “imago dei”
- Humans are stewards of God’s creation, meaning we must take care of the earth and its inhabitants
- Humans have free will, meaning we can decide how we act, knowing the consequences.
- Humans are rational and relational. This means that we can think things through and that we need to have contact with other humans.
- Humans have self-awareness, which means we have a higher intelligence and consciousness
- Humans have a spiritual dimension/soul.This means we can connect to God and relate to him well.
Explain why beliefs of the nature of human beings is important for Christians today. (4)
- God created humans in his image and likeness. This highlights to us that God created us with a purpose and that we are the high point of creation and that we were not created by random chance.
- Humans are stewards of creation which means we have to take care of the world and it’s inhabitants. This highlights to us that we are called by God to look after creation and make a positive impact in the world.
- Humans have free will, meaning we can choose how we act. This is important for Christians because this makes Christians better understand that actions have consequences and you should try act more responsibly
- Humans have self-awareness. This means we have a higher intelligence and we have consciousness. This is important to Christians because we have the intelligence to make important decisions ourselves.
Describe what Christianity teaches about sin. (4)
Christianity teaches the following about sin:
Sin is the natural urge to do something that disobeys God.
Sin comes naturally to every human being from Original sin, where Adam and Eve had disobeyed God by eating the fruit on the forbidden tree.
Christians may see that sin results in alienation from God, the world and each other. This could have severe effects on your spiritual self and your connection with God.
Some Christians may see sin as a state of your existence, and the only way you can be redeemed is through Jesus, who absolved the sins of the world through his ultimate sacrifice.
Other Christians see sin as an action you do against God, meaning that you disobeyed Him. This damages our relationship with God. Although, we can receive grace and forgiveness from God by giving confession, and by celebrating the other sacraments such as taking communion and by also obeying the command of God.
Some believe that mortal sinners who do not turn to Christ or repent during their lifetime will be condemned to eternity in hell and separation from God.
Describe what Christianity teaches about humans being created in God’s likeness. (4)
- Teaches us that humans are the high point of creation.
- Human beings have self-awareness and consciousness, meaning we have the highest intelligence
- Humans have a spiritual dimension/soul.
- Since humans are created in God’s image and likeness, it means we are like God and we can relate to him the most.
Explain how beliefs about humans being created in God’s likeness is important for Christians. (4)
- Because we are made in God’s likeness, humans are the high point of creation which highlights to us that we are able to become close to God because of our importance.
- Being made in God’s image and likeness also tells us that we have a spiritual dimension, which emphasises that our spiritual soul aids us to gain proximity to God.
- Since we are like God, and can relate to him, it makes us feel that we can open up to God and tell Him our problems
- We have self-awareness and consciousness, meaning we have the highest intelligence. This affects us because it tells us we are able to understand our shortcomings and return to God.
Explain how beliefs about sin might affect Christians. (4)
Sin might affect Christians in the following ways:
Sin may make Christians seek redemption for their sins, they may repent and seek forgiveness from God. They can hope to find forgiveness in God the Almighty as he is Omni-Benevolent, All-Loving, and All-Merciful.
They may feel love and gratitude to Jesus for his sacrifice, and work to become a better Christian, living by Jesus’ example and following his teaching.
They may feel that there is little they can do about sin, that it is a part of them that they cannot change. This could be seen as a negative way of thinking and lead to feelings of shame, or it could lead to them excusing negative actions as something they cannot control.
Sin may make Christians feel closer to God as they know that through His grace they can be forgiven for their sins.
They may look for ways to help others to find God’s forgiveness, eg. through spreading the Christian message, as a way to make up for the sins they committed.
Explain why beliefs about free will are important for Christians today. (4)
Beliefs about free will are important for Christians today in the following ways:
Free will is the ability to make a real choice from genuine alternatives. This shows that you have make responsible choices that God would be pleased with.
It shows God has bestowed a blessing upon humans, that we are free to make choices in this life. You can use this free will to make choice that will please God, or use it to make choices that disobey and displease God, through sin and transgression.
Free will means that human beings aren’t like programmed robots, which means their obedience to God and their worship is meaningful.
All human beings misuse free will. No one is perfect. This means we all give in to temptation, and through this we may commit sin.
Free will means people can be held responsible for what they decide to do. This means that the sins you commit are not as a result of God making it happen, rather, it happened due to your own disobedience.
Free will means that people really have the ability to change for the better.
Describe what Christianity teaches about free will. (5)
Christianity teaches the following about free will:
Free will is the ability humans have to make a real choice between genuine alternatives.
Free will can also be seen as the greater test of life, whether we choose to do the correct thing that pleases God, or the opposite.
Christians believe it is a gift from God, given to human beings at creation.
When human beings go against God’s will, they are misusing free will, so it can be seen as a cause of suffering and alienation from God, the world and each other.
Free will is a testament to the fact that God withheld his power from us. He could have used His power to program us to only worship and obey Him, with no other choice.
“Christian belief about human beings is too negative.” How far do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (8)
Christians believe everyone is made in God’s image and likeness. This gives human beings special importance and dignity, so not negative.
The Christian story is about God bestowing favours on us, restoring his relationship with human beings, by sending Jesus to die for them. This shows how valuable humans are to him.
Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God shows that people have the potential to live good, compassionate lives and to transform the world.
Jesus treated people who were seen as outcasts or unclean with dignity and love and criticised hypocrites who felt they were better than others. This shows that Christianity has a balanced view of human beings, recognising both the positive and negative.
God gave us a job my making us stewards of creation. This is very positive because God have given us something to live by and strive to fulfil.
Free will means that when people choose to worship or follow God it is real and meaningful, because we aren’t just like programmed robots. This is much better than the alternative.
Free will means people can make good choices, but it also enables us to make bad choices which are could hurt our faith and our life after death.
Paul said, “There is no-one that is righteous – not one”, but this is too pessimistic because there have been many good people in history who could reasonably be seen as righteous.
Eternity in hell as a punishment for sin seems out of proportion with most people’s lives which are very short compared to the Hereafter, and include plenty of good things.
Explain how free will affects Christians. (4)
• They might find it demoralising/worrying that they will not always use their free will in the right way.
• They could feel they need to take personal responsibility for their choices and behaviour, and might encourage others to do the same.
• Free will means that people really have the ability to change for the better.
• They might approach decisions thoughtfully, maybe by looking at the guidance in scripture, or by asking ‘What would Jesus do?’
• They might ask for God’s help to keep out of the temptation of sin.
• If they believe in predestination, they might feel they can’t be held responsible for their choices, as they are already decided.
Describe what Christianity teaches about the trinity. (4)
- The trinity is the concept of God being in 3 entities. The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit.
- The father is the first person in the trinity, the eternal creator.
- The son is the second person in the trinity, Jesus of Nazareth, God made man. He has a unique relationship with the father.
- The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity, the comforter who guides believers.
Explain how free will and judgement are connected. (4)
Free will means that people are able to make a genuine choice between alternatives. This means that they are responsible for their own actions and can’t blame anyone else for their choices
In the story of Adam and Eve, the decision to eat the forbidden fruit resulted in judgement from God, and they were punished by being banished from Eden
Christians believe that after death, God will judge them too for the way they used their free will.
For some judgement is about whether they decided to live a good or bad life, following the guidelines found for example, in the Bible
For others judgement is about whether they decided to put their faith in Christ and accept his forgiveness, or to go their own way.
Free will is essential for judgement to make sense, because it could only be seen as just where people are truly responsible for their decisions.