Christianity Terms Flashcards
One of the twelve disciples chosen by Christ to go out to teach the gospel to the world
Holy day that marks the bodily passing of Christ from earth to heaven on the fortieth day after Easter
Sacrament or action that involves the sprinkling of a person with water or full immersion as a sign of washing away sin and entering the church.
Festival that celebrates the birth of Jesus, marked by special church services, gifts, and greetings
confirmation (aka chrismation)
Sacrament, or rite in some churches that is a component of the initiation process into the Chirstian faith, which begins with baptism
confession (aka reconciliation)
sacrament in some churches in which a person acknowledges, to a priest of confessor, wrongs committed and receives forgiveness from God
Execution of Christ on a wooden cross, in the method of the Romans; an event commemorated by christian’s on good friday
Follower of Jesus Christ during his public ministry; includes, but is not limited to, the twelve apostles
Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Christ
letters written by Christs apostles to instruct churches and individuals about faith
filoque clause
Latin word meaning “and the son” inserted into the Nicene Creed by the Western, or Roman, Church
Story of Jesus Christs life and teachings told in the first four books of the bibles new testament
holy communion
Sacrament by which Christian’s commemorate the last supper
holy spirit
one of the three persons In God, believed, by Christian’s, to bestow spiritual gifts upon individuals
Prayers or actions in the Roman Catholic Church that are believed to free the individual from spending a specified period of time in purgatory
belief in some churches that christian’s are free from punishment for sin through their faith in Jesus Christ
last judgement
Day of God’s final judgement at the end of the world, when the faithful will go to heaven
last supper
Jesus’ last meal with his disciples before he was crucified; the origin of the sacrament of Holy Communion
Forty weekdays between Ash wednesday and Easter Sunday; a period of fasting and repentance for sin in many christian churches
liturgy of the world
portion of the christian worship service that emphasizes bible readings and preaching to the church congregation
someone who has suffered or died for his or her religion or beliefs
Saviour, prophesied by the old testament, who would lead his people to God; Christian’s believe this saviour to be Jesus
original sin
belief of the human tendency to sin and evil, presented in scripture as a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience of God in the garden of eden
papal infallibility
Roman Catholic belief that the pope cannot err when speaking on matters of faith and morals in his role as head of the church
Type of short story often used by Jesus to teach an important truth or lesson in mortality
Area that has its own church and a minister or preiest
pastoral ministry
Non-ordained people who assist the clergy with many different aspects of their work
Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles to help them spread the Christian faith
protestant reformation
Religious movement in Europe during the sixteenth century that led to the establishment of the Protestant churches
Temporary stage in Roman Catholicism in which of the souls of those who have died are purified from sin
Rising of Christ from his tomb on the third day after his crucifixion
A string of beads used for devotional prayers by some Christian’s
Ritual or ceremony that is an outward sign of spiritual beliefs that are given to the recipient
Holy person that Christian’s venerate
Act of being purified from sin and made right or holy in the eyes of God
Division of the church into separate, and often hostile , groups because of strong difference of opinion
Changing of bread and wine into the substance of the body and blood of christ during holy communion
Christian belief that there are three persons in one god; the father, the son (Jesus Christ), and the holy spirit