Christianity & Sexuality Flashcards
Distant past - Augustinian portrayed sex in
a negative light, teaching it was sinful except for the purpose of reproduction
Early Christians
Fact that Jesus did not marry led them to think not having sexual relationships, celibacy, was more holy
Other believers were influenced by what
Paul’s views that celibacy was preferable
- but those who find their sexual passions difficult ot control - was better to be married
(many still old this view)
Most Christians monks and Nuns remain celibate, as do Roman Catholic Priests
what church doesn’t hold today position
the protestant church
Evangelical Christian organisations such as ‘true love waits’ and ‘silver ring thing’ aim to campaign for what
for celibacy among teenagers
- encourages them to take chastity pledges
- abstain for sex until marriage
what is marriage
the relationship God has established for sexual relationships
the relationship between sex, marriage and procreation is still asserted strongly by …………
- and and why
Roman catholic church and evangelicals
- children require a stable family environment so reproduction can only take place within a marriage
what does J. Dominian believe (catholic psychologist)
that a new definition of sex is needed
what should this new definition of sex use
the teachings of the church and allowing them be influenced by contemporary psychology
- sex is personal expression
what is sex
a model of total unity between two people, reflects idea of sex in Genesis
- restated by Jesus and St Paul
Dominian believes Christianity has made a fundamental error by
stressing the biological aspects of sex and this has had the effect of trivialising sex
traditionally sex outside of marriage is seen as
what does Dominian observe
that were a relationship is committed, loving and permanent the criteria are met
- the lifestyle should be morally accepted by traditional christian standards