Christianity & sexual relationships (personal responsibility) Flashcards
Who were the first couple in the Bible?
Adam and Eve.
The Bible describes Adam as being lonely without a partner, so God makes Eve for him as a ‘counterpart’ in Genesis
What is ‘heterosexuality’
To be sexually attracted to a person of the opposite gender. Eg a man finding a woman attractive
What is the right time and place for a sexual relationship according to Christians?
Within marriage.
This means that the couple are committed to each other and have promised that they will remain together ‘until death do us part’.
What did God command Adam and Eve to “Go forth…” and do in Genesis?
“… and multiply”. Christians believe that God wants Christians to get married, have a sexual relationship and have babies.
‘What is ‘homosexuality’?
To be sexually attracted to a person of the same gender as you. Eg two men being attracted to one another
*If you are a Christian, does this mean you must be heterosexual?
Some Christians would say
YES- a Christian must be heterosexual. They should follow what God has instructed in the Bible (for sex to be between a male and a female married couple with the possibility of having a child).
YES God made Adam and Eve to be together and to complement each other.
YES The Bible says “Do not lie with a man as one does with a woman, for that is detestable” (Leviticus)
NO= the Bible says “God is love”, God will understand your love for another person, no matter their gender.
NO= God makes everyone and therefore he chooses a large percentage of the population to be gay. “You knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalms
NO- Gay couples can now get married. Therefore, as long as a couple is married and committed, sexuality shouldn’t matter.
Name at least one (*three) of the 10 Commandments (Exodus) that can be applied to relationships
“Do not commit adultery” (do not have sex a person that you are not married to, when you are married to someone else)
“Honour your Mother and Father” (do not bring shame on your family by being sexually immoral)
” Do not covet your neighbours goods” (do not be jealous of other people’s partners)
Who said “It is better to marry than to burn with passion”, and what does it mean?
St Paul.
This means if it too hard not being in a sexual relationship, you should marry, so that sex is used in the right way.
What does ‘Chastity’ mean?
Sexual purity. Doing the right thing for your relationship status. Eg
Single= don’t have sex
Married= do not commit adultery
How could you use the quote from St Paul ‘The body is a temple’ (Corinthians) when discussing sexual relationships?
The body is precious, so you should only share it with ‘the one’ (person you marry)
The body is holy, so it should be protected from sex before marriage and the potential of STIs
What does ‘adultery’ mean?
Having a sexual relationship with a person that is not your spouse, when you are married to another
Which denomination of Christianity does not accept the use of contraception?
Catholic Christians
ALL OTHER Christians think that using contraception within a married relationship is a positive and loving thing to do
What type of family planning can a Catholic Christian use?
The natural/ rhythm method. This means understanding a woman’s menstrual cycle and only having sex when she is at her least fertile.
- What did Jesus say to a group of people who were about to stone a woman to death for committing adultery?
“Let those without sin throw the first stone” and when they put down their stones, he said to the woman ‘Go, and sin no more”
Can Christians use emergency contraception (‘the morning after pill’)?
No, this would be seen as an early abortion.
However, some Christians might see this as the lesser of two evils in some cases, as the foetus would not have developed.