Christianity Pt1 Flashcards
What does this mean?
God is all powerfull
E.g God created the whole world
what does this mean?
God is all knowing
What does this mean?
God is all loving
What does this mean?
God is all fair
What does this mean?
the trinity
Father Son Holy spirit
God in 3 formes
What does this mean?
jesus calms the seas
Jesus is god in human form
He is as powerfull as god
What does this mean?
moral evil
the things humans do that are deamed wrong
What does this mean?
natural evil
natural disasters
E.g volcanos, earthquakes and more
What does this mean?
The inconsistant triad
God cannot be both omnipotent and omnibenevolent while evil exists
why would god allow evil?
because a free humanity is causing evil
What does this mean?
days of creation
6 days of work and 1 days rest
What does this mean?
the fall
when Eve ate the apple
What does this mean?
God in ther flesh (jesus)
What does this mean?
maundy thursday
the night of the last supper
What does this mean?
good friday
when jesus died