Christianity Practices Flashcards
Define liturgical worship and give an example.
It is a structured worship with a set routine or pattern. E.g Eucharist.
State 4 different types of prayer.
- Thanksgiving
- Confession
- Supplication (asking for others)
- Adoration
What is the significance of the Lord’s Prayer?
Jesus gave it to his Apostles as a completely selfless prayer.
What 7 sacraments do Roman Catholics believe in?
- Baptism
- Eucharist
- Confirmation
- Anointing the sick
- Marriage
- Holy orders
- Penance (repent for sins)
What 3 sacraments do Protestants believe in?
- Baptism (not all Evangelicals believe it is a sacrament)
- Confirmation
- Eucharist (holy communion)
They have marriage but do not see it as a sacrament.
What do Society of Friends and Salvation Army believe about sacraments?
internal spiritual experiences, not rituals. Marriage but not a sacrament.
Name 3 types of worship.
- Liturgical
- Informal
- Individual
Why is prayer important to Christians?
Communicate with God or Jesus. Builds a relationship with God.
Why is Baptism important to Christians? (3 reasons)
- Entrance into Christianity
- Removes sin
- Reborn spiritually
What do Roman Catholics believe about the Eucharist?
Transubstantiation - bread and wine becomes Jesus’ flesh.
What do Protestants believe about the Eucharist?
Bread and wine is just a symbol of Jesus and his presence is spiritual.
Why do Baptists practice the Eucharist?
As an act of remembrance (memorialism)
How do Quakers worship?
Silence and stillness in the presence of God.
= closer to God and members of the congregation.
What does Lent represent?
40 days & nights in the desert.
Spiritual preparation for Easter that starts on Ash Wednesday.
Why is Easter Sunday important?
It commemorates resurrection. It assures Christians that they will be with God for all eternity, even after death.
State significance of Pilgrimage.
- Religious devotion
- Represents journey from Earth to Heaven, faith in action
- Deepens spiritual faith
Why is Walsingham important?
It is a replica of the house where Jesus’ birth was announced.
What is unique about Taize?
It is ECUMENICAL (unity of Christian denominations).
It promotes reconciliation, understanding and cooperation.
Give 4 reasons why Taize is famous.
- Acts of atonement
- Acts of supplication
- Historical
- Religious devotion with chants, music and dance.
Give an overview of the current religious landscape in Britain.
- PLURALIST society. (lots of religions)
2. Many festivals are now considered secular celebrations as people don’t link them to religion.
Name 3 traditions linked to Christianity.
- Swear on a holy book in court.
- Marriage in a Church.
- Laws about store hours on Sunday (‘keep holy the sabbath day’)
What is the problem with Evangelism?
ethical to try to convert people’s faith in a pluralist society, Freedom of Thought is a human right.
How is the church growing?
Growing in Africa
UK it is in decline according to the 2011 census.
What does Tearfund do?
- awareness for social issues, e.g. discrimination and poverty.
- Create sports clubs for kids in Cambodia to keep them out of gangs and mentor them in life skills.
Why is Tearfund important?
‘love thy neighbour’ into action, selfless, agape love.
What does Open Doors do?
- Helps persecuted people keep their faith.
- religious resources, e.g. Bibles.
- practical support.
Give the aim of the Eumenical Movement.
Unity, more cooperation between denominations & reconciliation.
What is informal worship
Varied and spontaneous elements even if a pattern
Fresh expressions
Café church etc attract ppl
Evangelical growing church by
Church planting - non traditional churches in places eg new estates
Tear fund in Colombia
30+ sports club remove gang culture for social help and life skills
Christmas shows
J as saviour of the world
What is done to show penance in walsingham
Walk last mile to shrine bare foot