Christianity practices Flashcards
Importance of worship
Brings people together, strengthens relationship with god
Importance of prayer
Strengthens relationship with god, opportunity to focus on what they’ve done wrong and ask for forgiveness to get into heaven.
Importance of Lords Prayer
To follow example of Jesus, “then, this is how you pray” , brings people together
Sacrament definition
The visible sign of a spiritual grace eg baptism and Eucharist.
Baptism definition
Sacrament through which people become members of the church, water symbolises washing away of sin.
Types of baptism
Believers baptism-people old enough to understand fully submerged in water(Pentecostals and baptists)
Infant baptism-promises are taken of their behalf by adults, freed from original sin and introduced to love of god. (Roman catholics)
Holy Communion service in which death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bread and wine. “Thanksgiving”
Role and meaning of sacraments
For catholics and orthodox there are 7 initiated by Jesus:baptism,confirmation, a holy Communion, marriage, Holy Orders, reconciliation or anointing the sick. Help mark and celebrate key moments in spiritual journey and give purpose to life. Protestants believe baptism and Eucharist. Quakers and Salvation Army reject all sacrament as there’s little reference to them and Jesus didn’t intend for his actions to become rituals and their distractions.
Infant baptism supporting beliefs
Thanksgiving by parents for birth of child, brings family together to focus on responsibility and gift of child, “through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of god”
Infant baptism disagreeing beliefs
Jesus was an adult when baptised, Pentecostals believe should be a choice to follow Jesus, kids can’t understand commitment, stronger display of faith as an adult, quakers reject both as sacraments should be inwards spiritual experiences.
Importance of infant baptism
Removes stain of original sin, welcomes kids to church, promised support by church congregation.
Importance of believers baptism
Fulfils a commandment of Jesus, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, shows commitment, declaration of faith.
Ways of celebrating the Eucharist
Catholics celebrate publicly, bring bread and wine to altar, prepare and consecrate and say the Eucharist prayer
Orthodox Church prepare bread and wine privately behind a wall in the sanctuary then bring it out to share.
Different interpretations of the meaning of the Eucharist
Catholics Bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation) so Jesus is inside them so gives them the chance to experience Christ.
Protestants believe consubstantiation that Jesus becomes present spiritually with them.
Importance of the Eucharist
Fulfils a commandment of Jesus “this is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me”, community come together.
Challenging the sacrament of the eucharist
Salvation Army and Quakers do not celebrate as sacraments aren’t needed to receive gods grace it’s unconditional, ceremonies are too lavish unlike Jesus and the disciples and there’s other things to focus on, communion with god comes from the heart not sacrament.
Pilgrimage definition
Journey to a holy site
Role of pilgrimage
Opportunity to grow closer to god, strengthens faith, may allow a theist to undergo a religious experience, faith community become united.
Place of pilgrimage Town in France where Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette in a series of visions where it’s claimed the waters have healing qualities and seen 70 recognised miracles.
Place of pilgrimage Island off the coast of Scotland founded by Columba in 4th century. Visit for quiet individual reflection and engage in private prayer and small discussions about overcoming social issues. Veil between spiritual and physical world is thin, harsh weather reveals gods power and presence.
Importance of pilgrimage
Expresses faith “pilgrimage is a way of believers expressing their faith to god”, brings community together.
Challenging pilgrimage
Unnecessary, expensive, no clear biblical commandment, miracles said to happen are placebos.
Role of celebrations
Opportunity to remember key events in life of religious prophets, community comes together, bring hope and comfort, specific acts of worship.
Celebration of Christmas Roman Catholicism
December 25th, attend 3 services midnight of Christmas Eve dawn Christmas morning and during Christmas Day, colour purple as liturgical colour used for church hangings and clergy vestments.