Christianity: Marriage and the Family Flashcards
What does the Bible say marriage should be like?
It says that marriage should be monogamous and between a man and woman for life
‘a man will…be united to his wife, and the two become one flesh’ - Mark 10
What are the 3 main purposes of marriage for Christians?
1) To provide companionship, friendship and support between husband and wife
2) To enjoy a sexual relationship within marriage to have children and raise a family
3) To make a lifelong commitment to the other person, creating a permenant and stable relationship
What are the 4 main Christian beliefs about marriage?
- Marriage as a sacrement, a ceremony in which God is involved. Through vows, marriage is shown to be sacred and binding
- A gift from God - it it part of his plan for men and women to live together as shown in the Bible
- It is shown to provide security and stability for children to be raised as Christians
- God doesn’t want everyone to be married - Jesus wasn’t, and monks and nuns have a voacation from God to not get married
What are some Humanist views about marriage?
Humanists don’t use religion in their lives and instead rely on their use of reason
They don’t see marriage as a religious institution blessed by God, but they do see it as a way of making a commitment to each other
Although humanist weddings are possible, they are not accepted legally and a civil ceremony would also be needed
What are Christian views on cohabitation?
Some couples cohabit outside of marriage because they see it as expensive or unnecessary
Christians, however, argue tthat marriage provides much needed stability for family life
As it does not sacred vows from God, they don’t accept any form of cohabitation
What are the 5 main things that the Bible says about sex?
- Casual relationships are wrong - marriage is for sexual relationships
- Adultery is forbidden in the Ten Commandments
- Married couples should be faithful, as declared in the vows
- St Paul condemns homosexual acts, saying they are ‘shameful’
- Being sexually pure is advised, and many Christians take a vow of chastity
What are some sources of authority for sexual relationships?
‘God will judge the adultere and all the sexually immoral’ - Hebrews
‘whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body’ - 1 Corinthians
‘God said, ‘be fruitful and increase in number’’ - Genesis
Describe the nature and important of sexual relationships in Christianity
They believe sex is a gift from God intended for procreation, so it should only take place within marriage
Sex is an important way for a man and woman to show their commitment to each other
All forms of sexual activity outside marriage are forbidden
What are some divergent Christian views on sexual relationships?
Some Christians believe that some ideas about sexual relationships are outdated - they say that love is important and should be celebrated in all forms
This may allow cohabiting couples to have a sexual relationship, as well as homosexual couples
Parts of 1 Corinthians may be interpreted to mean that sexual relationships are a way of honouring God’s gift
What are some non-religious attitudes to sexual relationships?
Humanists believe that consenting adults should be allowed to have a sexual relationship, as long as it does not harm anyone elase
Atheists are unlikely to have a problem with sex outside marriage or homosexuality
What are the 4 main purposes of family, according to Christians?
1) It provides the right place for a married couple to have children
2) It provides stability and security for society, as children can be raised with the ‘correct’ moral standards
3) To teach children the different between right and wrong
4) To raise children as Christians and introduce them to the Christian faith
Give an example of the Bible showing the roles within the family
‘Fathers, do not exasperate your children’ - Ephesians
Describe the basic Christian beliefs about parents and their role within the family
Most Christians believe that they have a responsibilty to get married and have children, as this is what God intended
Parents have a responsibility to love, support and care for their children and keep them safe from danger
Christian parents raise their children as Christians, by gettting them baptised or christened and taking them to church
Describe the basic Christian beliefs about parents and their role within the family
The Bible teaches that children should honour, obey and respect their parents
Children are expected to care for their parents in their old age, just as their parents once cared for them
Describe the basic Christian beliefs about the social environment within families
Children are introduced to Christianity in their family. They attend church and celebrate special events together
Children are also baptised, attend Sunday School and learn about their faith
Why is family still important today?
It strengthens society, providing structure and support
Family is where people feel safest - with the people they love
What are some divergent Christian responses to different types of family?
All Christians believe that family is important in ensuring that children are raised correctly
Many Christians prefer the nuclear family, as this best reflects the idea of family as shown in the Bible by Adam and Eve
Some Christians accept that changes need to be made to the traditional family structure and are willing to accept modern structures, as long as they continue to support their children
In what 6 ways can the local parish support families?
- supporting couples who ware expecting children
- organising special family worship services
- running parental support classes
- being involved in rites of passage, eg. weddings
- encouraging children to attend Sunday School
- providing counselling
How can the local parish provide counselling?
Ministers and vicars will counsel couples if they are experiencing struggles in their relationship
Many Christians communities offers services such as Marriage Care
Why is the support offered by parishes still important today? (4 reasons)
- They offer all kinds of support (emotional, practical, spiritual)
- The parish allows Christians to socialise with others experiencing similar issues
- The support offered shows the love of God
- The parish provides a sense of Christian community and it strengthens the church itself
What does the Bible say about the familial support offered by parishes?
‘Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’ - Matthew 19
What are the 2 main types of contraception?
Natural - when a couple has sex when the woman is not fertile
Artificial - human-made objects that prevent pregnancy
Why is the issue of contraception difficult for Christians?
It is a modern issue, therefore there are no teachings about it in the Bible
Some take the Genesis verse ‘be fruitful and increase in number’ to mean that God wants humans to procreate
What are the main Catholic beliefs about contraception?
- Every sexual act should be open to the possibility of a child, so artificial contraception is banned
- Contraception prevents the main purpose of sex - having children
- Contraception encourages casual sex, which could lead to STDs
- Natural contraception is allowed because fertilisation is still possible
- The Humanae Vitae affirms that contraception is not acceptable
What are the main Protestant beliefs about contraception?
Most agree with using contraception because:
- the main purpose of sex is procreation, but sex also shows the love between a couple
- contraception is a sensible method of family planning
- there are no teachings against using artificial contraception
What are the main atheist beliefs about family planning?
They would argue that a person’s individual situation would need to be taken into account. They would say that people can use contraception if:
- they want to plan their family
- they are not ready to have children
- their lifestyle does not allow for children
- pregnancy could be harmful to the mother
- they want to be safe from STDs
- the couple carry genetic disorders
What are the main humanist beliefs about contraception?
They generally have no issue with the use of contraception. The British Humanist Association argues that if contraception ‘results in every child being a wanted child’ then it must be a good thing
Explain the Christian concept that marriage is for life
Marriage is intended to be for life and is symbolised by the ring being an unbroken circle
They believe that if a couple want to divorce, they need to have tried everything to repair their relationship
If one of the couple dies, then the marriage is effectively ended and the partner is free to remarry
‘what God has joined together, let no one separate’ - Mark 10
What are the main Catholic views about divorce?
- Divorce is not recognised because marriage is for life
- Jesus said divorce is wrong
- Marriage is a sacrament and divorce would break the promises made with God
- The marriage bond is unbroken even if the couple receives a legal civil divorce
- Remarriage is not allowed in Catholic churches
- A legal separation may be allowed if it would otherwise harm the children
What are the main Protestant beliefs about divorce?
- Divorce is not encouraged but is allowed if necessary
- It must be acceptable as UK law allows it
- People make mistakes and God is ready to forgive sins
- It is up to the individual minister to decide whether a couple is ready to remarry
What are the main humanist and atheist beliefs about divorce?
They believe that the breakdown of a marriage causes issues within a family but they accept that divorce is sometimes necessary
They do not associate marriage with religion so no Holy promises are broken
They often take an ethical stand, where they consider the best action for each situation to get the best outcome
What are some Christian arguments for gender equality?
- Men and women were both made in the image of God, different from all other beings
- Many Christians feel that the traditional view that men are superior is outdated
- Men and women are different physically but the same mentally
- Though women were made as ‘helpers’, this may mean that they help each other equally
What are some Christian arguments against gender equality?
- In Genesis, it says that women are a ‘helper’ to man. This could mean that men are supposed to be the head of the house and the women should support him
- Catholics argue that they were made physically different as women were designed to help men
- In Ephesians, it commands wives to ‘submit yourselves to your own husbands’
What are some atheist and humanist views for gender equality?
They are likely to accept more modern views on gedner equality and roles of men and women in the household
They say that as long as they are happy in their roles, then that is what matters
What is gender prejudice?
It is when someone is judged on their gender to be superior or inferior
What is gender discrimination?
When people are treated differently based purely on their gender
Give an example of gender discrimination within the church
Catholics only accept men to be bishops, priests or the pope
They believe that these roles represent Jesus and follow the teaching in the Catholic Catechism
Give an example of where the Bible promotes equality
‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one’ - Galatians 3
How is the church promoting gender equality?
Many Christian organisations promote gender equality, including Christian Aid which believes that gender inequality goes against human rights. They work in communities to tackle inequality by using Christian teachings
What are some humanist and atheist views on gender discrimination?
They are likely to share the view that men and women are equal. They would say that men and women must be treated equally as this is morally right