Christianity - Key Topic Quotes Flashcards
“Through him all things were made” John 1:1-3
“God said, ‘Let there be light’”
Genesis 1:1-3
Nature of God
•“Every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood”
Genesis 8:21
•“After you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you”
Peter 5:10
Jesus and Salvation
•“The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”
John 1:14
•“Surely this man was the son of God”
Mark 15:39
•“The righteous [will go away to] eternal life”
Matthew 25:46
•“Whoever believes in me will live, even though they die”
John 11
•“We have an eternal house in heaven”
Corinthians 5
•“Whoever rejects the son will not see life”
John 3:36
Faith in Action
•“Love thy neighbour”
Luke 10
•“Preach to all creation”
Mark 16
•“Those who are baptised will be saved”
Mark 16
•“The human heart is evil from birth”
Genesis 8
•“This is my body given for you”
Luke 22:19
•“This is my blood”
Mark 26:27-29
•“evoke our earthly journey toward heaven”