Christianity, Judaism, Islam Flashcards
When did Christianity begin?
30 CE
Who is the leader of Christianity?
Jesus Christ
Where was Jesus Christ born?
Nazareth (outskirts of Jerusalem)
How did Jesus Christ die?
he was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate (Roman official), crucified
What religion was Jesus Christ?
Jewish before Christianity
monotheistic religion
Who was Jesus Christ?
Son of God, leader of Christianity
Who was Jesus Christ?
Son of God, leader of Christianity
What do Christians believe in?
people are saved by God’s grace and acceptance of Christ as a savior, sinful humans can be forgiven
What holy scripture is part of Christianity?
Bible (Old Testament + New Testament)
Old Testament
Jewish Torah, 5 books of Moses, written in Hebrew
New Testament
written in Greek, baptism, miracles, preaching, teaching, and deeds of Jesus
How did Christianity spread?
spread by missionaries east to Asia and throughout Roman Empire
When was Christianity legalized by Constantine?
313 CE
Great Schism (1054 CE) - Christianity
split Christianity into 2 parts: Catholic West (Latin) + Orthodox East (Greek)
What are the three major branches of Christianity?
Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestant
Holy Trinity (Christianity)
Father (God), Son (Jesus), Holy Spirit
When did Judaism begin?
2000 BCE
important place to all religions (birth place of Judaism)
first monotheistic religion, ethnoreligious
Principles of Christianity
belief in Jesus as Son of God
The Golden Rule
Christ’s central message - “treat people how you want to be treated”
St. Paul (the apostle)
originally killed Christians, then converted to Christianity and became one of the most important people in Christianity
Abraham’s agreement with God, states that Abraham will be the father of a great nation
person that God first spoke to - starting point of all three religions, was willing to kill his own child in order to prove his faith in YHWH (Yahweh)
YHWH (Yahweh)
Jewish God
one can be born Jewish or can convert to Judaism
What do Jewish people believe in?
all Jews are God’s chosen people, one must observe + keep the Sabbath, belief in the Messiah (descendant from David), males are to be circumcised at 8 days old, eat Kosher foods
Ten Commandments
given to Moses, Jewish law code
Messiah - released Jews from Egyptian captivation
What is Judaism’s holy scripture?
Torah - part of a larger text called the Tenakh
Muslim God
Islamic followers
received Allah’s final message (God’s final prophet), 570 - 632 CE
Five Pillars of Islam
testify to Allah, pray 5 times a day, participate in charity, fast during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca
What is the holy scripture of Islam?
Quran - direct words of Muhammad, guidelines on how to live + follow Allah, cannot gamble, eat pork, drink alcohol, or be dishonest
pilgrimage to Makkah
Muslim house of worship
shrine with the Black Stone
Makkah (Mecca)
holy city of Islam, where Muslims try to make pilgrimage to once in their life
leader of the Islamic civilization
Muslim code of law, result of scholars’ interpretation of the Quran
allowed anybody to rule
Shi’ite (Shia)
allowed only direct descendants of Ali (Muhammad’s grandson) to rule
a “struggle in the way of God”
What were some Islamic achievements?
astronomy, the astrolabe, algebra, number system
What are some characteristics of Islamic art?
repeating geometric patterns, nature, use of arabesques + calligraphy, absence of people
Arabic script entwined with plant stems and geometric designs
Who revealed the Quran to Muhammad?
the Angel Gabriel
People of the Book
Muslim reference to its connection with Judaism + Christianity