Christianity - Glossary Flashcards
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Sacred or holy actions that can bring about changes; a visible sign of an invisible action of God.
Articles Of Religion
The 39 articles ‘agreed upon by the arch-bishops, bishops, and the whole clergy of Canterbury and York’.
The title given to the leader in some Christian churches. In Orthodox churches, the title is ‘Patriarch’.
A formal, but concise statement of beliefs.
The sacred meal of bread and wine commonly celebrated in some form by christians as their central act of worship. Commemorates the last meal of Jesus with his disciples prior to his death.
The official or set forms of worhsip, as opposed to private devotions
Filoque Clause
Literally ‘and son’ in Latin. It is referred to as the ‘filoque clause’ because the phrase ‘and son’ was added to the Nicene creed, indicating that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father ‘and son’.
A representatoin of Christ, the Virgin Mary or a saint, especially one painted in oil or on a wooden panel in a traditional byzantine style.
A sanctuary covered with icons ( images of christ, mary, and the saints ), which seperates the sanctuary from the rest of the church.
Describing an institutuonal form of religious life, either alone or in a community, in which individuals take vows of poverty, chasity, and obedience.
The bishop of Rome, considered to be the successor of the apostle, Peter - The head of the catholic church.
A general term for those breaking away at the reformation, In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the ‘protesting’ churches in England were often called the nonconformist churches or dessenters.
The intermediate stage between death and heaven according to catholic theology.
The early sixteenth century movement that began as an effort to purify the life and teachings of the catholic church, and eventually led to the establishment of seperate christian churches.
A formal or ceremonial act or procedure that is prescribed or is customary in a religious context.