Christianity, Gender & Sexuality Flashcards
After the reformation (reform protestantism) what happened in regard to biblical criticism?
Translations of the Bible in languages other than Latin become more widespread - allowing greater study and understanding.
What approach would be opposed to biblical criticism?
Literalism - it claims we should just take the words of the Bible literally.
What does Ken Ham argue about the Bible?
It is all or nothing - you cant say some parts are true, and some false, either it’s all true or all false.
For liberal Christians, who believe the Bible is a human record of divine events, what is biblical criticism about?
It’s more about making the words of ancient humans relevant to modern times than figuring out the ‘true meaning’.
What is the problem with liberal views of inspiration?
It is extremely subjective - it opens scripture up to individual interpretation.
How can the Bible hold authority if it derives from human minds?
Feminist biblical criticism is usually a variety of what view of inspiration?
What is the concept of ‘biblical patriarchy’?
The Bible is man-made for the purpose of subjugating women.
Post-Christian feminist theologians regard the patriarchy in the Bible as evidence for what?
The Christian God not existing;
- It’s man-made, as they are given a superior position to women.
- God didn’t make men, men made God.
1 Timothy 2:11-13
“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.”
What is an ordination ritual?
Where someone becomes a church leader - involves laying on of the hands, prayer & the invocation of the Spirit of God
Give 3 examples of women in leadership positions in the early church
Junia, a female apostle (Romans 16:7)
- This was said to be a ‘mistranslation’ and all 12 apostles were men.
Female deacons, (1 Timothy 3:11)
Prophetesses, (Acts 21:9)
Key dates for women in Christianity, 1990-2020
1992 - CoE voted to ordain women.
1993 - voted to allow congregations to opt out of accepting women priests.
March 1994 - 32 women ordained in CoE, over 400 male clergy protested by leaving.
2014 - Pope Francis affirmed the traditions of not ordaining women in the RCC, but showed a willingness to allow female deacons.
2016 - RCC commissioned a study to look into the issue
1 Corinthians 14:34
St Paul seems to be against female ordination.
“The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says”
1 Corinthians 11:4-5
This contradicts the previous quote, implying that women DO speak in church.
What does this lead some to think?
“Every women who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head.”
Some are led to think that 14:34 was added later, and not St Paul’s writings.
Why does the Catholic Church argue that there should be no female priests?
Because priests are descended from the ‘line of peter’ - from Jesus’ disciples.
Since Jesus has no female disciples, there should be no female priests.
Quote from Catholic Conservative MP, Anne Widdicome
‘A woman can no more be expected to represent Christ than a man could represent the Virgin Mary’
Karl Rahner on Jesus’ gender & his representation
Jesus’ gender was insignificant when it comes to priestly sacramental representation since it’s Christ’s spiritual qualities that matter - it’s heretical to suggest otherwise.
What does Daphne Hampson argue?
Because Christianity is a historical religion, its commitments are inevitably anchored to a past tradition, which she claims, is patriarchal.
‘Christianity is rooted in a sexist history and culture…the religion cannot be freed from this historical context’
What’s different in other moral areas compared to Christianity?
In other moral areas, we’re free to evolve and change traditional beliefs if there is good cause to.
In Christianity, because its founding principles and traditions are seen as divinely ordained, such freedom doesn’t exist.
What two arguments does Hampson highlight?
1 - the explicit sexism of the depiction of women in biblical stories.
2 - the underlying themes & principles of Christian theology derive from the mind set of men living under patriarchy.
An underlying theme is Christianity’s ‘bi-polar’ view of reality - a transcendent God is good & humanity is lower and opposite to God.
What is then done which Hampson argued reflects a patriarchal outlook?
This division is then gendered; God described with male language while humanity is conceptualised with feminine language.
E.g. Israel & the Church being the bride of Christ
What are the three places Hampson argues women are given in the ‘male construction’?
- Placed on a pedestal; e.g. Virgin Mary
- A slut; opposite to God’s transcendence
- The compliment of man; Eve as a ‘helper’
What 2 changes does Hampson suggest? And who does she draw influence from?
1 - Theology should be grounded on human experience; human awareness of God.
2 - Our conceptualisation of God must be compatible with our ethical ideals, since God is held to be good.
She draws influence from Schleiermacher; who claimed human religious experience should be the foundation of theology .
What Christian view challenges views like Hampson’s?
Liberal Christians
As the Bible isn’t the perfect word of God, we’re free to re-interpret teachings to fit with progressive ethics & norms.
What does Hampson respond to liberals?
Her critique is ‘true of all Christians, liberals as well as fundamentalists’.
They all ‘read the bible as scripture’, approaches to it may vary but they cannot ignore it - it affects their outlook.
How does R.R. Reuther say women can be saved?
They can be saved by Christ but it requires a re-evaluation of Christ.
What does Daly argue about what a male figure like Jesus cannot provide for women?
A male figure like Jesus cant provide genuine spiritual salvation to women under conditions of patriarchy.
“The idea of a unique male saviour may be seen as one more legitimation of male superiority.”
Daly is arguing it’s irrelevant whether Jesus could be seen as being gender inclusive - what about salvation can never work in a patriarchal society according to Daly?
The idea women can be saved spiritually by a male - it’s too legitimating & reinforcing of male superiority.
What does Reuther point about the Jesus described in the synoptic gospels and the Jesus described in the later doctrines of the Church?
Later doctrines of the Church had been subject to 5 centuries of ‘patriarchalisation’.
OT prophecy illustrated Jesus as a male warrior type of Messiah - ‘expected to win, not suffer and die’.
Yet, Jesus did suffer and die, served his people; more like a self-sacrificing non-warrior Messiah, invoking female wisdom.
If Jesus is understood as embodying female wisdom, as Reuther argued, what does this mean?
Spiritually, he is more inclusive.
This fits with Reuther’s arguement that Christianity underwent patriarchalisation; Jesus was gender inclusive, but then corrupted by patriarchal reinterpretation.
Daly’s point still stands - it doesn’t matter if he was pro-feminist or not.
The conditions of the patriarchy makes it impossible for a male saviour to save women because it reinforces damaging patriarchal stereotypes & gender roles.
What is Reuther’s golden threat argument?
A theory that the Bible contains a ‘prophetic-liberating tradition’ that can be separated from patriarchal influences.
What does the golden thread include?
1 - God’s defence for the oppressed, e.g. freeing the Jews in Exodus.
2 - Jesus’ treatment of marginalised people.
3 - Jesus’ criticism of the established religious views that serve to justify & sanctify the dominant, unjust social order.
4 - Jesus’ moral teachings, like a golden rule.
What is the only way for the Bible to be feminist, according to Reuther?
If it rejects the use of God to justify social domination or subjugation.
What does the golden threat argument depend on?
That a plausible reading of Jesus’ actions is that they were aimed at liberating women from the unjust social order.
What Bible stories seem to demonstrate Jesus’ support for feminism?
- The woman at the well; female samaritan.
- The adulterous woman; John 8, doesn’t condemn her.
- Jesus’ words to Martha; Luke 10, she shouldn’t prepare food but listen to his sermon.
Galatians 3:28
St Paul
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ.”
What is the interpretation of a non-political reading of Jesus & the Bible?
Jesus’ actions & moral teachings may sometimes appear to challenge social order, but that might just be because he treated everyone as spiritually equally.
There are some passages where Jesus spoke about the sin & forgiveness of individuals rather than society in general.
What does this suggest?
That Jesus was anti-political.
John 18 - Jesus said his kingdom is ‘not of this world’ suggesting he sees a disconnect between human politics & the Kingdom of God.
What is celibacy?
It is the choice to live without sex in order to live a more pure life in devotion of God.
Who in celibacy required for in Catholicism?
Those who are married - only for the purposes of reproduction.
1 Thessalonians 4
“Each of you must learn to control his own body, as something holy and held in honour, not trifling to the promptings of passion, as the heathen do in their ignorance of God.”
Exodus 20:14
Part of 10 Commandments
“Thou shalt not commit adultery”
Matthew 5:28
“everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
What is marriage in Catholicism and Protestantism?
In Catholicism, marriage is a sacrament, whereas in Protestantism, it is not.
What view is more accepting of sex outside marriage?
Who does St Paul condemn in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy?
‘Sodomites’ - condemns them as unrighteous & sinners.
A Sodomite is a person who engages in anal sexual intercourse.
Romans 1:26-27
“God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.”
Leviticus 20:13
“If a man lies with a man as he does with a woman, both have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death, their blood is upon them.”
Matthew 19:4-6
“”that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God had joined together, let no one seperate.”
What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church claim about homosexuality?
Homosexuality is against the natural law as it divorces sex from the gift of life & is this against God’s design.
What would the liberal view on homosexuality be?
More accepting.
What would a Natural Law approach be to transgenderism?
To regard all of God’s creation as his design & any alteration of that would be a violation of God’s will.
- More against sex-change surgery.
What do some argue about the fact the Bible is against homosexuality in regards to transgenderism?
If it is against homosexuality, it must be against transgenderism too.
What would be the view of liberal christian’s?
More accepting of transgenderism
Feminist Theology - Mary Daly
‘If God is male, then male is God.’
Is Hampson or Reuther a post-christian theologian who rejects Christianity?
+ Quote
‘post because not Christian, but post-Christian in that that is the tradition from which i came.’
“If we are to create a world in which men and women are held equal, then, i contend, we are either going to have to become atheists (which is not i think the way forward) or we must needs aspire to a post-Christian religious position.’
Daphne Hampson
What feminist theologian is also a reformist theologian?
Rosemary Radford Ruether