Christianity flashcards
Disciples of Christ
To be disciple you must be a dedicated follower of Jesus. Aka “The Christian Church”. Jesus gathered his disciples; they became his apostles
7th day Adventists
Believe god created Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. They believe in immersion baptism of new members.Also believe when humans die, they’re asleep until they’re brought back to life.
Social Gospel
after WW1, religious wing of the progressive movement was combating injustice, suffering and poverty in society (Denver, CO) AKA:the application of Christian principles to social problems
A form of religion such as islam or protestant Christianity that believes in: strict and literal interpretation of scripture, people should follow their beliefs strictly and extremely. Began: Early 20th century
Syllabus of errors (1864)
published in latin. is a collection of propositions that Pope Pius IX had previously criticized or condemned. He denounced Liberalism and nationalism, insisted Roman Catholic rulers protect the Church
Main belief is justification by faith in Christ and repentance, or turning away from sin. Martin Luther & his followers were Evangelicals. More conservative in theology and social beliefs than other branches
Mainline protestant
Denomination whose beliefs involve Theological liberal/progressive viewpoints and theological conservative viewpoints. Their Churches are traditional, less entrepreneurial. decline in popularity post world war
Salvation Army
International movement & Evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. its mission is to preach Gospel of Jesus.ministry is motivated by the love of God, they want to meet human needs in his name without discrimination
Religious movement which gave rise to a number of Protestant Churches in the US (20th century) believed all Christians should seek a religious experience called “Baptism with the Holy Spirit”
Aggiorhamento and recoursement
recoursement is a movement for revitalization and renewal. Aggior… literally means “to bring up to date”. its focused on finding new ways to rethink and reformulate affirmations of Christian faith.
Norstrae aetate
Latin for “In our time”. a document that changed the Catholic church’s approach to Jews &Judiasm. Called for Catholics and Jews understand each others religion and be friendly
Catholic Social Teaching
1:respect for human person
2:promotion of family
3:right to own property
4:The common good
6:dignity of work and workers
7:Pursuit of peace
Bartholome de las casas
Dominican priest and missionary. Used his role in religion to criticize the New World. Social reformer and activist for Native Americans.
Preferential option for the poor
part of Gods teachings that explain: if you’re in position of power/financial well being, use it to take care of less fortunate. Aligned with 7th Catholic Teaching
Arch Bishop Oscar Romero
Wanted to reform the government using religion. Spoke out against social injustice and violence between govt. and left winged insurgents. Was assassinated during mass
Letter from Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King jr uses religion to convey message of moral responsibility to break unjust laws and take action rather than waiting for the courts
Belief that Christianity does not hinder culture. EX: Spanish Christians celebrate both religious and cultural holidays
Matteo Ricci
Introduced Christianity to China; was Italian Jesuit missionary&priest. Founding figure of Jesuit China missions
Prosperity Theology
Belief among charismatic Christians that success in this world is a gift of the spirit. (feel good Christianity)
Individual justice>social justice
Chinese Catholic patriotic Association (CCPA)
Chinese Gvt. persecutes catholics, because of this they create secret underground places for worship.(against law they could be arrested)
Formal seperation of Church and State. Complete removal of religious values in the public; replaced with secular values
Redeemed Church of God
Mega church. Pentecostal denom.
In Lagos, Nigeria
Our Lady of Guadeloupe
Symbol of Mexican id& faith. She’s Who the Spanish worship as Mary. Based of her appearance to an indigenous Mexican.
Mega Churches
Extraordinary large Churches, which mainly belong to conservative evangelical or pentecostal & charismatic forms of Christianity