CHRISTIANITY: beliefs and teachings/practices Flashcards
a branch of Christianity based in rome and led by the pope
a branch of Christianity mainly but not entirely practiced in Eastern Europe
a branch of Christianity originally protestants were called this because they protested against some of the practices of the Catholic church. there are many protestant denominations but they agree on the central bellied that the bible is the only authority for christians
a distinct group within the christian faith, with its own organisation and traditions
almighty, having unlimited power; a quality of God
all-loving, all-good, a quality of God
bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been committed
the belief that there are three persons in the one god: the father, the son, and the holy spirit but are also one being
holy spirit
the third person of the trinity whom christian’s believe is the inspiring presence of God in the world
son of god
a title used for jesus, the second person of the trinity denotes the special relationship between jesus and god the father
the act by which god bough the universe into being
the word
term used at the beginning of Johns gospel to refer to god the son
becoming flesh, taking a human form
- rising from, the dead; 2. jesus rising from the dead on Easter day. An event recorded in all four gospels and the central belief of Christianity
a religious offence which includes claiming to be god
- roman method of execution by which criminals were fixed to a cross, 2, the execution and death of jesus on good friday
the event 40 days after the resurrection when jesus returned to god the father in heaven
a state of eternal happiness in the presence of God, the place of eternal peace ruled over by God
what christian’s belief follows life on earth
day of judgment
a time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by god and rewarded or punished
the place of eternal suffering or the state of being without God
the intermediate state where souls are cleansed in order to enter heaven
name for the devil, the power and source of evil
- any action or though that separates humans from God; 2. behaviour which is against God’s laws and wishes or against principles of morality
original sin
an augustine’s christian doctrine that says that everyone is born with a built in urge to do bad things and disobey god and important doctrine within the catholic church
saving the soul deliverance from sin and admission to heaven bought about by jesus
a quality of God which God shows to humans by providing love and support which they do not need to earn
showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
ceremony also called Eucharist in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bread and wine
acts of religious praise honour or devotion
liturgical worship
a church service that follows a set structure or ritual
non-liturgical worship
a service that does not follow a set text or ritual
informal worship
a type of non-liturgical worship, sometimes spontaneous or ‘charismatic’ in nature
private worship
when a believer praises or honours God on his or her own
communicating with God, either silently or through words of praise, thanksgiving or confession or requests for Gods help or guidance
set prayers
prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person, for example, the Lords prayer
informal prayers
prayers that are made up by an individual using his or her own words
an english protestant who does not conform to the doctrines or practices of the established church of England
rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace; for Catholics, Anglicans and many Protestants, sacraments, are ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace’
the ritual through which people become members of the church: baptism involves the use of water as a symbol of the washing away of sin
a branch of christianity originally Protestants were called by that name because they protested against some of the practices of the catholic church there are many protestant denominations but they agree on the central belief that the bible is the only authority for christian’s
believers baptism
initiation into the church by immersion in water, of people old enough to understand the ceremony rite and willing to live a christian life
infant baptism
the ritual through which babies and young children become members of the church where promises are taken on their behalf by adults and the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving love of God and the support of the Christian community
holy communion
a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine, also called Eucharist Mass, the Lords supper, the breaking of bread and the divine Liturgy
from a greek word meaning “thanksgiving” a service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
a journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons; pilgrimage is itself an act of worship and devotion
a day or period of celebration for religious reasons
the day commemorating the Incarnation, the birth of Jesus ( 25th December) also the season of 12 days ending with the epiphany (when Christian’s remember the visit of the wise men)
the religious season celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead it starts on Easter Day and finishes with the feast of Pentecost
holy people of god also called the body of christ among whom christ is present and active, a building in which christian’s worship
a word used in the bible that describes sacrificial unconditional love
the vocation or calling of a religious organisation or individual to go out into the world and spread their faith
The great commission
Jesus instruction to his followers that they should spread his teachings to all the nations of the world
a person sent on a religious mission, especially to promote christianity in a foreign country through preaching or charitable work
spreading the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
a sacrament in the catholic church, also the restoring of harmony after relationships have broken down
hostility and i’ll-treatment especially because of race or political or religious beliefs