Christianity Flashcards
Origins - outline the historical and cultural context in which Christianity began
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion that has its roots in Judaism
- Jesus death emerged his followers to begin preaching and spreading the word of the gospel
- gospel means good news of Jesus Christ, the messiah and saviour
Historic and cultural context of Christianity beginning - CHRISTIANS
- Jesus son of God who came to speak about the kingdom of God and teach humanity how to live
- Jesus death and resurrection being salvation from sin, everlasting life to those who follow him
- Christians are called upon to spread the gospel message to others and to keep his command to love God and their neighbour
Historic and cultural context in which Christianity began - JUDAISM
• under leadership of Abraham during the exodus, free from slavery and brought by Moses to the promised land
• Palestine was their promised land although was fought over by:
• at time it was a strict monotheism and a gradual shift from temple ritual to personal ethics, restlessness under foreign domination, and a string sense of community and expectations of becoming a messiah
Examine the principal events of Jesus life
- Jesus grew up in Nazareth small village in Galilee
- Jesus met with John then retreated into dessert to contemplate future
- travelled countryside for three years teaching anyone who would listen, healing those who believed in him
Significant miracles of Jesus include
- the curing of ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
- the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-44)
- Jesus walking on water (Mark 6:45-52)
- feeding the five thousand (Luke 9:10-17)
Explain why Jesus is the model for Christian life
•ethical teachings
• Jesus proclaimed to live life based on two key relationships
1) God - love honour worship
2) Neighbour- care and treat for justice
• guidance for Christians on how to live a good life
Describe the early development of Christian communities after the death of Jesus
- after crucifixion of Jesus, followers confused, the study of resurrection wasn’t believed by disciples at first
- “Jesus moment “ led by Peter James Paul and Tarsus
- Gospel written to share story of Jesus and record oral stories
Outline the unique features of ANGLICANISM
Fellowship of all the dioceses or regions, leadership of this group usually coordinated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Core beliefs include the centrality of the bible and the key sacraments of baptism and the Lords supper.
Two divisions
1) high church
2) low church
Outline the unique features of CATHOLICISM
Began with disciples of Jesus. Established on leader of Saint Peter. The Catholic Church remains hierarchical with the community looking to leadership from its priests, bishops, cardinals and the pope. Core beliefs include the holt spirit the magisterium
Outline the unique features of ORTHODOXY
Established under the leadership of the Patriarch of Constantinople and other patriarch of Constantinople and other patriarchal authorities around the world. Core beliefs established the equal role of scripture and tradition as source of authority. Liturgies are often filled with music and chanting, there are seven sacraments
Outline the unique features of PENTECOSTALISM
Core beliefs focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues. Baptism in the spirit is an adherents first awareness of the power of Pentecostal worship.
Outline the unique features of PROTESTANTISM
Emphasis the authority of the Bible as a source of teaching, the universal priesthood of beliefs and justification of faith. Teachings and practises under the leadership of their particular founder.
Describe the Christians understanding of Salvation
- Salvation means the deliverance from sin that we can only attain through our relationship with God
- Jesus death was meant to bring us salvation, this is a key event in renewing that relationship
- bring reconciled with God through Jesus Christ
- freedom from sin
- being united with God and heaven
Sacred text and writings
Identify the importance of the bible in Christianity
- sacred texts for Christians with a record of key events in the stories of humanity interaction with God
- ceremony, private reading and study
> Hebrew Scriptures known as a the first or Old Testament
Christian scriptures known as the second or next testament
Apocrypha/ Deuterocanonical books are additional material contained in Orthodox and catholic bibles
Sacred texts and writings
Examine extracts from the bible which demonstrate the principal beliefs of Christianity