Christian Teachings Flashcards
Finish the quote ‘truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these…
What does this tell you about charity?
… Brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’ -Matthew 25:40
That Christians should support a charity work; they should try and become involved with charities because it shows they are caring
What does the Parable Of The Sheep And The Goats tell Christians about charity?
Shows that you should help those in need
Finish the quote ‘keep your lives free…
What does this tell you about gambling?
… From the love of money’ - Hebrews
Gambling equals more money. God believes that money is bad, therefore you should not gamble because it involves money
Finish the quote’The unrighteousness will not…
What does his tell you about money?
… Inherit he kingdom of God’ - 1 Corinthians 6:9
Gambling encourages greed and the bible says greedy people will not be accepted into heaven. I
Finish the quote ‘Life does not consist…
What does this tell you about money?
… In a abundance of possessions’ - Luke 12:15
It is wrong for people to be obsessed with wealth. The parable of the rich fool shows that God is not impressed with a person who just seeks wealth
Finish the quote ‘at the end of every seven years… Every creditor…
What does this tell you about money?
… Shall release what he has lent to his neighbour’ - Deuteronomy 15:7-8
God does not want greedy people. If a friend lent you money, you should repay them what they lent you
Finish the quote ‘Blessed are…
What does this tell you about money?
… You who are poor’ - Matthew 5:3
Do not be in love with money - nor greedy - God will reward you once you go to heaven
Finish the quote ‘know one can serve two masters…
What does this tell you about money?
… You can not said both God and money’ - Matthew 6:24
You cannot worship God and love money
Finish the quote ‘The love of money…
What does this tell you about money?
… Is the root of your evil’ - Timothy 6:10
Greed is not good; it leads to sin which leads you further away from God
Finish the quote ‘it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle…
What does this quote tell you about money and how it should be used?
… than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God’ - Luke 18:25
Jesus warned people that are being wealthy is not easy that it can lead to bad things. Believed that is is hard to become wealthy about committing a sin or doing wrong by God