Christian Practises & teachings Flashcards
What is the definition of supplication?
Requesting, asking,pleading
Which church is the largest Christian church?
How many sacraments are there?
What is a sacrament?
An outward sign of an inward spiritual grace. One of 7 rituals in Christian practices, some of which are not used at all in some denominations.
What is the order of baptism?
- greeting
- reading
- signing with the cross
- taking of the bread and wine
- the blessing
What must a sacrament have?
- form (words or actions)
- matter (water, physical stuff do some sort)
- intention (of the person to perform the sacrament)
What is the Eucharist also known as?
Holy communion or mass
Divine Liturgy definition?
Heavenly/ godly worship
Antimension definition?
A piece of cloth used to cover the Gospel. It is unfolded to symbolise the revealing of Jesus’ teachings.
What is the definition of gospel?
The Christian message. From the 2nd century it came to mean the 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
What is the definition of holy communion?
The Divine Liturgy (orthodox), catholic’s call it mass, Protestants call it Eucharist
Who were the magi?
The 3 kings
What is the definition of incarnation?
God made human
When do the magi arrive at the stable in Bethlehem?
A few months after Jesus birth
What happens on Christmas Eve at midnight?
There is a Eucharist lit by only candles.
In the Christmas story what happened when Herod heard of the birth?
He ordered that all the 1st born sons to be executed.
When does Easter happen?
Around the time of the Jewish Passover festival because this is when Jesus died.
What are the days of Holy Week?
Palm Sunday Holy Monday to Spy Wednesday Tenebrae Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday (black Saturday) Easter vigil Easter Day
What is the definition of worship?
Is the expression of reverence and adoration for a deity, and to deepen a relationship with god.
Infant baptism
Infant baptism is the act of baptising infants or young children
Believers baptism
Believers baptism is for people who are old enough to understand the significance of the ritual.
Which Christian denominations practise infant baptism?
Catholic, orthodox, Anglican and reformed Christians.
What is reconciliation?
The faithful obtain absolution for the sins committed against god and neighbour are reconciled.
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, Eucharist, marriage,holy orders, reconciliation,conformation, anointing of the sick
What is baptism?
Is the ritual through which a person becomes a member of the church.
Through baptism a person:
- is cleaned of sin
- enters a new life with Christ in the Christian community
- imitates Jesus baptism by John the Baptist
- becomes a member of the Christian church
- receives gods saving grace and the Holy Spirit
Which Christian denominations believe that the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Christ?
Catholic’s, orthodox and some anglicans
Why do Protestants celebrate the Eucharist?
They celebrate as a reminder of the last supper.
What do the orthodox church call Eucharist?
Holy communion
Why might someone go on a pilgrimage?
To give them a better understanding of their faith, to express sorrow for their sin and to be forgiven,to seek cure for an illness
Emergency aid
Immediate response needed! Food water, medical aid
Short term aid
Process of rebuilding: families reunited, schools/ hospitals rebuilt
Long-term aid
Help to build systems to make a country self-sufficient (looking after themselves)
Name some Christian charities
Christian aid
What is CAFODs aim?
Their aim is to try to reach out to people in poverty whether they’re Christian or not to help them practically.
What is Christian aids aim?
For everyone to be equal in the sight of god and they want to help stop poverty
What festival do you light the paschal candle for?
What are the beliefs about the nature of god?
- omnipotent. -omniscient
- benevolent. -eternal
- just judge. -transcendent
- omniscient. -immanent
- eternal. -personal
- transcendent
What are the 3 parts of the trinity?
Father, son & Holy Spirit
How were human beings created?
“Formed man out of dust from the ground” and “made women from the rib he had taken from the man”