Christian Practises Flashcards
Name some of the practises in Christianity
Eucharist, baptism ,prayer , worship and festivals
What are the four forms of worship
.liturgical worship
.non liturgical worship
.informal worship
.private worship
About liturgical worship
Liturgical worship is a church service that follows a set pattern of prayers and readings, usually found in a printed book.
Christians who participate in liturgical services may feel connected to other worshippers as they are following the same traditions.
About non liturgical worship
Non-liturgical worship is more informal and has less structure, and the elements can be tailored to different types of services. For example, the
sermon could be on a topical theme, and prayers could be in the service leader’s own words rather than those written in a book
About informal worship
Informal worship focuses on love for God and isn’t always carried out in a church. large
auditoriums are often used. Most of the time the music used during informal worship is popular and modern, and instruments are commonly used.
Charismatic worship is a kind of informal worship. Although Charismatic services have recognisable Christian features, such as prayers and readings, they are very free-flowing services.
During informal worship, people often believe that the Holy Spirit is present and allowing them to carry out God’s wishes, so the services can be quite spontaneous.
Christians usually worship in this style and may clap or shout during a service at any point, as they worship God with their whole body, not just their minds.
About Private worship
Private worship is informal and often takes place at home, but it can be liturgical or non-liturgical.
Some examples of private worship are saying
before a meal or reading a passage from the Bible each day.
Worshipping alone can allow a person to feel close to God. Private worship can be an opportunity for Christians to explore a personal, individual connection with God.
What are some Christian charities
Christian Aid
Corrvmeela Community.
Christian quote about worshiping god with songs
Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs (psalms)
Christian quote about worshiping god with songs
Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs (psalms)
Christian quote supporting belief in justice and belief in the idea that all people should be treated equally.
‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ gospel
The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) works in disaster areas and developing countries
CAFOD has worked in Zambia, where there has been an HIV epidemic. The organisation has provided emergency food for those affected by drought and has done lots of other things to do with food and nutrition .
About Christian aid
Christian Aid has been working in Ethiopia for over 30 years and has been trying to make communities more resilient to natural disasters such as drought. It has also been working to make health care better.
In Myanmar, Christian Aid wants to tackle violence and promote equality for all.
About tear fund
Tearfund has been working in Ethiopia creating self-help groups in order to make the country sustainable. It has also provided emergency aid following droughts.
In Zambia, Tearfund has focused on teaching skills to local people, such as how to plant crops to produce a large amount of food.
In Myanmar there has been a large focus on health care, and Tearfund has set up a training centre so that local people can be trained as medical professionals to help in their local communities.
What are the seven sacraments
Anointing of the sick
Holy orders
Christian quote about sacraments
The seven sacraments touch all stages and all important moments of Christian life.
— Catechism of the Catholic Church
Why is baptism important
Baptism is an important sacrament because Jesus was baptised, and after his resurrection he told his disciples that they too should be baptised. Jesus also commanded his disciples to use the act of baptism to welcome new disciples into the Church. This is known as the Great Commission.
Quotes about baptism
‘No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit’ John 3:5
Infant baptism
The baptism of babies to remove original sin
Quote about Eucharism
‘For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him’ - gospel
What is Eucharist another word for
About Eucharist
Service celebrating the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus by re-enacting Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, remembering that Jesus told his followers ‘do this in memory of me’. Catholics believe that the bread and wine blessed at Mass become the body and blood of Christ
Four stages of reconciliation
Contrition - the state of feeling remorseful.
Confession - the priest helps Catholic Christians to confess. They must say sorry and promise to change their ways.
Satisfaction - the priest sets a task or suggests prayers to be said in order to achieve forgiveness. This is sometimes called ‘penance’.
Absolution - release from the feeling of guilt
Quote about reconciliation and forgiveness
You will cast out all our sins into the depths of the sea- Micah 7:19