Christian Church Flashcards
Why is Constantine Christian
Constantine followed many Christian values for example he sought to actively suppress divination and magic- in full agreement with the position of the Christian church.
Who is Nero
The first outbreak of official persecution against Christians took place under Nero. It is generally believed that the apostle Paul was martyred during this time. It is likely that Nero chose Christians as scapegoats because he had heard of the outrageous stories about Christians and their worship.
One good and bad outcome of the crusades
Bad in that it sowed the seeds of an enduring hatred and bitterness between Muslims and Christians that has lasted until the present time
Good in that it opened up trade between East and west, and resulted in a very significant exchange of scientific, cultural and literary knowledge between Islamic and Christian
The roman peace
Hidden trap for Christian 1st and 2nd centuries AD
Retreat or relate
Living as Christians in a non-Christian world 3rd century AD
A Christian empire? 4th century AD
Constantine declares Christianity to be the dominant religion of the Roman Empire during his reign
The struggle for power
Power and politics in the Middle Ages 5th-6th century AD
The crusades
The church tries to stop the spread of Islam 12th-13th century AD
The renaissance
Knowledge verses faith? 14th-16th century AD
There was a huge increase in intellectual and cultural achievement, with an accompanying growth in humanistic ways of learning.
The reformation
Rediscovering the gospel 16th century AD
Heroes of the faith
Paying the ultimate price for your faith 15th-16th century AD
The Age of Enlightenment
Turning the light on man and placing god in the dark
Changes the way people relate to civil authority, human knowledge, and to the church
Who is apostle Paul
Paul the Apostle, original name Saul of Tarsus, was an apostle who taught the gospel of Christ to the first-century world. He is generally considered one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age.
Who is Constantine
Constantine was the emperor who declared Christianity to be the dominant religion of the Roman Empire during his reign. He did not follow all of the Christians rules and he was guilty of cruelty and high-handiness.
He was a Christian because he saw a vision of the chi-ro, chi-ro is the first row letters of an orthodontist appointment
Who was da Vinci
He is one of the greatest scholars of the Renaissance period he’s great skills as a painter sculptor and inventor have bought enduring fame. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa. It is said that on his deathbed da Vinci took refuge in the church. He asked for instruction in the faith and sought forgiveness. He is said to have remarked that during his life he had offended God and man by not having used his artistic skill to the best of his ability.
Who is Galileo
Was a renowned late Renaissance Italian mathematician physicist and astronomer who caused great controversy in 1632 when he published a work arguing for a heliocentric structure of the Cosmo rather than a geocentric one
What is a Protestant reformer (English and European)
Protestant reformers were people who threaten the Catholic Church because they went by different ethics, there were five ethics that made Protestant reformers who they were these five included by Scripture alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, by Christ alone and glory to God alone
Who is Voltaire
Voltaire observed in the life of the church and the government of the day a great deal of bigotry, hypocrisy, injustice and lack of compassion shown towards those who challenged the authority of these institution. He also wrote poetry and writings about the church and what he discovered.
Who is Locke and Newton
When Voltaire was forced into exile in England, where he spent a number of years studying the philosophical ideas of John Locke an English enlightenment thinker. Voltaire was also exposed to the mathematical and scientific discoveries of Isaac Newton. Both Locke and Newton held to the belief in their own physical senses and their powers of reasoning rather than their doctrinal beliefs of their religious traditions