what is the incarnation
+ teaching
the event where jesus was born
“god made flesh” - believed that jesus was in human form
what is the crucifixion
+ what do christians believe about it
the event where jesus died on the cross
they believe that christs sacrifice on a cross is that their sins are atoned for and the gap between human and God is bridged
what is the trinity
there is one god but three persons of God.
God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit
God the Father
For many Gos the Father is the God of the Old Testament.
He created the Heaven and earth and susutains them.
- Transcendent
God the Son
Jesus was the incarnation of God in the human form .
He is seen as both immanent and personal and human and divine. Jesus understands Human suffering. - role model
The Holy Spirit
the prescence of God in the world - immanence.
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
God is: benovelent - all-loving why allow it? omniscient - knows how to end it omnipotent - able to end it but evil exists therefore God doesnt existor hes not these 3 things
The Ressurection
the event when Jesus was rose to life three days afterv his death
Beliefs about the Ressurection
Christians everyone will be resurrected (as jesus did)
on the day of judgement
The Ascension
the event when jesu’ body wnet to heaven 40 days after his ressurection
Belief about the Ascension
Jesus left the Holy SPirit behind on Earth so he could go to heaven to be with the Father
meaning + teaching
all powerful
“With God everything is possible”
meaning + teaching
all loving
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only the son”
meaning + parable of the sheeps
Jesus will judge all humans and send them to heaven or hell