Christian beliefs Flashcards
Omnipotence of God
“With god all things are possible”
This shows God can do anything as he has so much power
Christians believe that God has the power to do anything and everything
Omni benevolent god
“For god so loved the world he gave his only son”
God loved his world that much that he got Jesus crucified, to give the rest of the world eternal life
Holy trinity
“In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit”
These are The three parts of the holy Trinity which are all related to God
The son is Jesus
For many christians the Trinity is the most important belief as the father the son and the holy spirit are mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer
“In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth”
Shows god is omnipotent
God gave us our own free will
“Let us make Man in our own image”
This shows that humans are special
Humans are made in the image of God
We are created with reason and free will
This means Christians should look after each other and save other people’s lives
“The word became flesh”
The word of God becoming flesh
Referring to God becoming human form through Jesus
God has come to earth in human form in order to save us from our sins for salvation
“Forgive them father, they know not what they do”
Jesus is forgiving the guards who crucified him
It shows ANYONE can be forgiven despite what they have done
“I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me shall live, even though they die”
The resurrection proves that we are going to have eternal life (heaven or hell)
Christians are taught to believe in Jesus and God and the Christian faith in order to be rewarded to heaven
“Forgive and you will be forgiven”
Christians are told that if we forgive others then we will be forgiven also
Christians believe that God is just and God is fair which indicates that if we forgive others then God will forgive us
“Whatever you did for the least of my brothers you did for me”
Jesus in the parable of the sheep and goats
Jesus is saying;
Whatever you have done to help other people you have done for me too
Christians will be rewarded for helping others
This is how we can find salvation through deeds
“Through all this, Job did not sin and blame God”
Job is persecuted against and keeps his faith
When we are persecuted, we do not blame god we keep faith in god, no matter how badly we are treated.
“My fathers house has many rooms”
Jesus tells Christians that there is an unlimited space in heaven therefore we should always work towards ascending into heaven when we die
God welcomes every Christian into heaven
“Into the eternal fire”
This explains to Christians that those who commit sins and disobey God will go to a place of eternal suffering