Christian Beliefs Flashcards
Define ‘Catholic Christianity’.
A branch of Christianity, based in Rome and led by the Pope. Followers are generally quite strict in their beliefs.
Define ‘liberal Christianity’.
A way of following Christian beliefs that are more open to new interpretations and less strict.
Define ‘monotheistic’.
A religion that believes there is only one God.
Define ‘omnipotent’.
All powerful.
Define ‘holy’.
Set apart and different, divine.
Define ‘omniscient’.
All knowing.
Define ‘omnibenevolent’.
All loving.
What is the ‘inconsistent triad’?
If God is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and omnibenevolent (all loving), evil should not exist.
Define ‘justice’.
To bring about what is right and fair.
Define ‘just’.
Passing right and fair judgement.
Explain the ‘Trinity’.
The belief that God is made up of three parts: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Define the ‘Holy Spirit’.
The guiding presence of God in the world.
Define the ‘Son of God’.
God incarnated as a human being, Jesus Christ, living on earth as fully God and fully human at the same time.
Define ‘creation’.
The act by which God brought the universe into being.
What did the author of John mean when he used the phrase ‘the Word’?
‘The Word’ refers to Jesus. So when the Bible says, ‘the Word became flesh’, it is referring to the incarnation.
Define ‘incarnation’.
Becoming flesh, taking human form.
Define ‘blasphemy’.
A religious offence which includes claiming to be God or using God’s name disrespectfully.
Define ‘crucifixion’.
A Roman method of execution by typing or nailing someone to a cross.
Define ‘resurrection’.
Rising from the dead, coming back to life.
Define ‘ascension’.
When Jesus returned to heaven after the resurrection.
Define ‘heaven’.
A happy, peaceful afterlife with God.
Define ‘hell’.
An afterlife of eternal suffering, without God.
Define ‘purgatory’.
A temporary place where people go to be cleansed before they can enter heaven. Only Roman Catholics believe in this.
Define ‘day of judgement’.
A time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by God and rewarded or punished.
Define ‘Satan’.
A name for the Devil, the power and source of evil.
Define ‘sin’.
Behaviour which is against God’s laws.
Define ‘Original Sin’.
The belief that Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and caused all humans to be born with sin and the urge to disobey God.
Define ‘salvation’.
Saving the soul from going to hell, allowing them to go to heaven.
Define ‘grace’.
A gift of love and support from God to humanity which they do not need to earn.
Define ‘atonement’.
Making up for sin or wrongdoing.
What is Augustine’s theodicy?
Evil is just the lack of good. Evil is caused by human free will and by Adam and Eve disobeying God. God is still all-powerful but chooses not to take away our free will because he is all-loving.
What is Iranaeus’s theodicy?
God created humans imperfectly so that they could grow to become more like God. In order to do this, they needed evil so that they had the potential to make poor choices.
What do fundamentalist Christians believe about the creation story in Genesis?
The Genesis creation story happened exactly as it was written in the Bible. The Bible is the literal word of God.
What do conservative Christians believe about the creation story in Genesis?
The Bible was inspired by God but written by humans. They might interpret the ‘days’ in Genesis as long periods of time, not literal 24-hour days, allowing for scientific ideas like the Big Bang.
What do liberal Christians believe about the creation story in Genesis?
The Genesis creation story is a metaphor, focusing on the deeper meaning rather than the literal details. They accept the Big Bang Theory.
Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans?
Who sentenced Jesus to death?
Pontius Pilate
Why didn’t the Jewish leaders like Jesus?
Jesus challenged their authority by overturning the tables in the Temple. He broke the Sabbath rules. He claimed to be the Messiah and the Son of God, which the Jewish leaders thought was blasphemy.
Why did Pontius Pilate sentence Jesus to death?
Because the crowd wanted Jesus to be crucified and he didn’t want to appear weak by not doing it. Also, the Romans were afraid that Jesus’ large following may cause a rebellion.
Why did Jesus have to die?
Because the relationship between humans and God was broken. Through his sacrifice, Jesus fixed this relationship and allowed for the forgiveness of the sins of humanity.
Why was Jesus’ resurrection seen as a victory over evil?
Because Jesus rising from the death showed God’s power over death.
Why might a loving God send some people to hell?
Humans need to be held accountable for their actions. Without consequences, people will not be good. It wouldn’t be fair for a good person and a murder to both go to heaven.
According to the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, who goes to heaven?
People who have been kind and helped those in need.
According to the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, who goes to hell?
People who have been unkind and selfish.
According to the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, why did the rich man go to hell?
Because he ignored Lazarus and had no compassion.
According to the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, how can someone avoid going to hell?
By following the words of the scriptures.
What do Roman Catholics believe about physical resurrection?
Everyone will be resurrected on the Last Day and be judged by God.
What do Protestant Christians believe about physical resurrection?
It is the soul/mind that is immortal and lives on after death. There will be no physical resurrection.
What sin did Adam and Eve commit?
Adam and Eve listened to the serpent (the Devil in disguise) and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil after God told them not to.
What happened as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin?
This resulted in God banishing them from the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve:
- they would not live forever
- their lives would be filled with hardship and misery.
- Their disobedience caused all humans to be born into sin. This is Original Sin
What is Jesus’ role in salvation?
Jesus’ crucifixion atoned for the sins of humanity and restored the broken relationship between God and humanity.
How can someone achieve salvation through good works and law?
By following God’s rules and doing good things.
How can someone achieve salvation through grace and Spirit?
By believing in Jesus and accepting the gift of grace.