Christian beliefs Flashcards
Two christian beliefs about God
Christians believe that God is omnipotent, meaning all powerful this supported by creation of the world out of nothing -creatio ex nihilo and the resurrection of Jesus. Insert quotes
Christians believe God is omnibenevolent, all loving. Christians believe this is shown in many ways. For example, God sacrificed his son for humanity - showing how much he loves human beings. Imago dei
Other qualities of God
God is transcendent - he is eternal
Immanent- Interacted with the world e.g esus. He works miracles
How does belief in God’s qualities influence Christians
Believing God’s just they will complete lots of good deeds e.g giving to charity as they know they will be rewarded on judgement day and sent to heaven
Believing thatGod’s omnibenevolent they will try and folloe hid example by being compassionate and loving to all sentient beings - this may influence to become vegetarian
Omnipotence quote
“Nothing is impossible with God”Luke 1:37
Omnibenevolence quote
“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16
Just quote
“Good and upright is the lord”Psalm 25:8
“God is righteous in everything he does” Daniel 9:14
Solution to the problem of evil - free will
Richard Swinburne theory
God gave humans free will (book of Job) - this was omnibenevolent- so although he exists he cannot intefere with human suffering as a result of they choices that they have made.
Free will is seen in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge despite God’s command - as a result they had to face the consequences (suffering)
Solution to problem of evil -God’s plan
As seen in the Book of Job evil could be a test of faith - Job is tested on many occasions and ultimately he is rewarded.
This test of faith may be part of Gods plan - God is transcendent and above human understanding
‘(If you understand it is not God’).
Faith can strengthen the relationship between man and God as it callls for more trust.
God is fair and just - so he will reward them in heaven
Problem of evil quote
Si comprehendis non est deus - St Augustine
Two beliefs about the Holy trinity
God the father is the creator of all (including the world) and sustainer of all, he is thus transcendent
( Insert nicene creed quote)
God the Son became the human being Jesus - he died to save humanity. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
-He was both fully divine and fully human (hypostatic union)
-He was immanent
-He was personal as he understands human suffering
Belief of holy spirit
Acts as asa guide for christians, to help them live in their lives. The holy spirit is immanent and lives within their hearts.
It is is the source of strength and courage
God the faher quote
“We believe in one God, the father, the almighty, maker of heaven and eath” Nicene Creed
God the son quote
St Paul described Jesus as having “equality with God” (Phillipians 2:6)
Holy spirit quote
“We believe in the holy spirit, the Lord, the giver of life” Nicene Creed
How does the holy spirit influence christians
Believing thst God the father is omnibenevolent this inspires christians to be all loving and compassionate e.g they will give to charity
Believing that God’s Son, Jesus was incarnate . Christians feel he understands their human struggles and is personal - this influencews them to pray to him
Two christian beliefs about the creation of the world
Some Christians, literalists, believe that God created the world out of nothing - creatio ex nihilo in 6 days and rested on the seventh “God created the heavens and the earth. They take this literally and believe God d created things in the order it says in the bible - although this contradicts eith science
Some christians believe that the spirit of God was present at creation. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God”- John 1:q
resurrection quotes
“Christ died for our sins” Corinthians 15
“For if the dead are notraised, them Christ has not been rasied either”
“Some christians believe in the resurrection of the body, the dead will be raised in their bodys at the end of time” John 5:28
Beliefs about Resurrection
Christians believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection atone for their sins - “Christ died for our sins” Corinthians. He has offered salvation for their sins.
Christians believe that since Christ has be raised they too will be raised from the dead.
“For if the dead are not raised, then christ has not been raised either” Corinthians 15
After life quotes
Jesus answered him “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” Luke 23:43
“good will rise and whose who have done evil will be condemned” John 5
Parable of the sheeps and the goats
-The sheep are generoud and kind go to heaven
-The goats who are uncaring and selfish went to hell
“Then he said to those on the left, ‘depart from me you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil” Mathew 25:41
Two beliefs about afterlife
Christians believe that if you do good deeds e.g you are always compassionate and generous/charitable and help those in need you will go to heaven. This seen in the parable of the sheep and the goats. The generous amd kind sheep ( giving the hungry food) went to heaven, the uncaring and selfish goat went to hell.
Christians beleive that those who believe in God will go to heaven. This is supported by John 3:16”Whoever believes in me will not perish buthave eternal life”. The eternal life, refers to going to heaven in afterlife.
Christian belief about Heaven
Christians believe that heaven is a place of eternal happiness. Theybelieve this may not be a physical place but rather a state of mind. They believethey will surrounded with their favourite things including God. “Heaven is neither an abstraction nor physical place.. but a personal living relationship with the holy trinity.”
Christian belief about Hell
Christians believe Hell as a terrible place without the presence of God.
“Then theywill go away to eternal punishment”
Matthew 25
“Hell is the ultimate consequence of sin itself”
How does belief in heaven and hell influence christians
Christains may feel motivated to live good lives, and do good deeds e.g give to charity so that theygo to heaven
Christians may feel grateful for Jesus dying and bringing them internal life, this influences them to pray to him.
Two beliefs about Jesus
Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God, whom lived among Humans.
“The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” Luke 1:35
“Are you the messiah, the son of the blessed one ?” I am said Jesus - Mark 14
- Christians believe Jesus resurrected to atone for their sins…,
How does Incarnation influence Christians today?
Christians believe this shows God’s omnibenevolence (John 3:16) that he cares enough to sacrifice his son. This influences them to demonstrate that same love and care e.g by giving to charity
Christians believe thisShows God is omnipotent. This influences them to pray to him as theybelievehe has the power ot answer their prayers
Significance of Cruxifixion
Gives them confidence that if they accept Jesus sacrificesi can no longer destroy their lives because god has forgiven those who faithfully who ask for forgiveness.
Since Jesus has suffered, thishas made him and God more relatable - God understands the suffering they go through
Significance of resurection
-Shows that Jesus is theson of God -as he was able to rise from the dead. Without the resurrectio there would be no christianity as Jesus is what seperates it from other abrahamic religions
“He has risen” Luke 24
“He left them and was taken up to heaven” Luke24
Proves he is the son of God
Christians believe he hascometo repair the relationship between man and God.
“And the temple curtain was torn into two” Mark 15- This shows that humans and God are no longer seperated
Two beliefs about Sin
Christians believe that Sin separates humans from God, as it an action that goes God’s laws and principles. God has given humans guidance on how to act (e.g the bible) but has also given them free will - so choice over what they do.
Other christians believe they have been freed from original sin through the incarnation and sacrifice of God’s son -who atoned for their sins. They believe their original sin was from Adam and eve who disobeyed God (the fall) this is what intially caused separation between God and humans leaving us eternally until Jesus came and saved christians
Original sin quote
“When the woman saw the fruit of the tree she took some and ate it.” Genesis 3:6
How does sin influence christians
By believing that Jesus has atoned for their sins they eternally grateful. This influences them to pray to Jesus and follow his teachings.
Some christians believe sins - acting against God can mean they will be sent to Hell in after life. This influences them to commit good deeds - not sins so theydon’t go to hell e.g give to charity
How does sin influence christians
By believing that Jesus has atoned for their sins they eternally grateful. This influences them to pray to Jesus and follow his teachings.
Some christians believe sins - acting against God can mean they will be sent to Hell in after life. This influences them to commit good deeds - not sins so theydon’t go to hell e.g give to charity
Two beliefs about salvation
Christians believe they can achieve salvation (saving of the soul) by doing good works. This is supported by the quote” the same way, faith by itself it not accompanied by action is dead”James 2:17. Examples of this action include giving to charity and praying to God. Christians see prayer as a conversation with God - by asking god for guidance they believe he will show them the path towards salvation.
Christians also believe in salvation through God’s grace, his uncondtional love. They believe this reddemption “came by christ” Romans 3:24. They believe god sacrificing his only son to atone for humanity’s sins means theyare now saved from internal punishment and can enter heaven
Salvation quotes
Salvation through works
-“faith by itself if not accompanied by action, is dead” James 2:7
Salvation through grace quote
“Through the redemption that came by christ” Romans 3:24
“For it is bygrace you have been saved, through faith” Ephesians 2:8
“The gift of God is eternal life in christ our lord”Romans 6:23
Belief about the Holy spirit and salvation
Christians bleieve the holy spirit guides them to salvation. They helped the authors of the bible communicate God’s message correctly, prepared the mind in order to be able to understand God’s truth and gave humans a conscience - right or wrong- where they live according to God’s law. This is essential for salvation.
Salvation meaning
Saving of the soul from sin
Salvation by christ quote
“For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” John 3:17