christian beliefs Flashcards
what does agape mean?
christian love
what does anglican mean?
A worldwide denomination that includes the Church of England.
Ascension means…
Jesus being taken up to heaven on the 40th day after Easter.
Atonement means…
The action of making amends for wrong doing.
Crucifixion means…
A capital punishment used by the Romans which nails a person to a cross to kill them.
what does Denomination mean?
The name for the different branches of the Christian church.
Fundamentalist means…
The name for the different branches of the Christian church.
The names of the books about the life of Jesus in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is called…
what is the unconditional love that god shows to people who do not deserve it called?
what is the term of God in human form. God made flesh.
the inconsistent triad is….
Concept developed by JL Mackie to show that God cannot be both all loving and all powerful due to the existence of evil.
The anointed one who is seen as the saviour by Christians is called…
The Messiah
the mission is…
An organised effort to spread the Christian message.
moral evil is…
Caused by human action e.g. war.
Caused by nature but directly impacts on humanity e.g. earthquakes but also due to human action e.g. global warming is called…
natural evil
The idea that God is all-loving is called…
omniscient means…
The idea that God is all-knowing.
What does omnipotent mean?
The idea that God is all-powerful
Omnipresent is the idea that…
God is everywhere
orthodox means..
A branch of the Christian Church, largely found in Greece and Russia.
A branch of the Christian church that broke away from the Roman Catholic Church is called…
What does Reconciliation mean?
The process of making people in conflict friendly again.
Resurrection means..
The physical return of Jesus on the third day after he died.
what’s the largest roman christian group called?
Roman Catholic
Salvation is…
saving the soul from sin
Transcendence means…
The idea that God is beyond the world and unknowable.
Trinity is…
The belief in God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.