Chris' Study Guide Flashcards
Which joint had the largest range of motion ?
Glenohumeral joint
Vertebral column in order
Cervical thoracic lumbar sacral coccyx
Breathing muscles?
Inspiration : diaphragm external intercostals
Expiration: abdominals internal intercostals
Low risk factors :
No more then 1 CVD factor
Moderate risk:
Have more then 2 CVD factors
High risk :
1 or more signs or symptoms or are diagnosed with cardiovascular , pulmonary , it metabolic disease
CVD risk factors
Total cholesterol Triglycerides HDLS LDLS BMI BP waist circumference Blood glucose levels
Bp at rest
140/90 is hypertensive
Needs to be below 30 or else obesity is a factor
Waist circumference
Below 100 cm or else obesity is risk factor
Less than 35 mg/dl is at risk for CVD
When you are careless when dealing with a person intubation or whatever may arise . Always put clients best interest first . Move all unused objects out of area , ensure safety of equipment and sturdiness
Consent forms
Client must be cleared to workout . Take them through thorough check list of problems that they may have .
Example high Bp, kidney disease , diabetes , recent surgeries , age , cancer etc.
Sequence of first meeting with client
Medical history risk
Assessment fitness test evaluate results exercise prescription
Blood flow in heart
What does the left ventricle do?
Delivers oxygenated blood back to body
What your mitral valve for?
Maintains blood in one direction
What is the tricuspid valve for?
Located on the right side of the heart , close when ventricle pumps blood into the PA that lead to the lung
Difference in cardia and skeletal
Particularly that skeletal muscle involve nervous system and cardiac muscle
Is automated
Valsalva maneuver
Effects of CV exercise on everything - HR BP SV Q
Lowers resting HR lpwers trying BP raises SV Q stays the same
Muscles in rotator cuff and all of their functions
supraspinatus - abduction of arm
Infraspinatus- teres minor - external rotation
Subscapularis - internal rotation
Exercise induced asthma
Usually starts 5-20
Min after exercise starts
Usually caused by moisture dust allergens colds etc.
exercise usually happens because normally we breathe through noses and when we exercise we inhale more through mouths : air becomes more dru and not clean : symptoms worsen after 5-10
Min exercise Bc body will start to cool down
What do bronchodilators do?
Inhaler, chemical dilated the bronchi sac in lungs allows air to pass through airway to breath
Convert VO2 to METS
Divide vo2 by 3.5
How to get body fat and lean muscle based on weight
3500kcal- 1 lb fat 65% diet- carbs No more the 35% -fat Calorie levels : fat : 9 Protein / carbs 4
Running mechanism
Eccentric contraction involves quads
Jump training
Progressively adapting a clients program during a specific time period.
The goal is to try to teach client new ways to progress movements you’ve started with and introduce new exercises
Lifting at constant speed
Tension doesn’t change but muscle length changes
Bench press joint don’t move
Joint angel and muscle length does not change
Best form of
Muscle balance
Muscles contract and shorten at same speed throughout the range of motion
What is SAID?
Specific adaptation to impose demands
What is dhea made of?
Yam or soy
What is IDEA
Identify problem
Develop a solution
Evaluate the solution
Analyze how well the plan worked
The functional unit of muscle
Equation for HR reserve
HR Max - HRRest
Training HR
% you want to train
HRR + HR rest
Conversion kg-lb
2.2lb/ kg
Centimeter to inch
2.54cm/ inch
Inches - meters
59.1 inch/ meter
How do you calculate BMI
Weight/ height ^2
Blood flow through hearts
Training principles
Overload Reversibility Interval Plyometrics Circuit
Stages of readiness
Pre Contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance
Pre contemplation
When person doesn even have a though about working out
No desire / no worry to
Make changes
Person created thought about working out
Only an idea
Do not physically do anything about it
Task of actually starting to be active but still
Mental battle
Ex: go to gym for 15 min get nothing done
Aren’t meeting criteria of what physically should be done
Get a spark under their butt
Start working out to standards that ACSM give
No half ass stuff
Consistent for 6 month
Ongoing stage after action
More then 6 months
Posture muscles
Hip flexors
Problems associated with poor posture
Muscle imbalance neuromuscular control inflammation tissue damage .
What does food pyramid recommend for fats and oils
Fats - no more then 30%
Oils :3-7 teaspoons
Cautions with pregnancy and children
Pregnancy: abdominal trauma hydration , nutrition
Children : under 2 hours , technique , proper training
Rec for high temp training and humidity
Lower exercise intensity
Increase air flow into lungs by dials ting bronchi and bronchioles Can produce breathing problems Can cause cough Can cause arrhythmias in heart Albuterol can cause heart to speed ip
If someone is training for 3 day walk what type of training would you prescribe for initial
Adapting : prescribing literally just takin an exercise and knowing how to simple adapt it according to age and restrictions
Effects of caffeine and nicotine ok BP and HR
Increase both
Max HR
Subtract Max HR from resting HR
Away from body, lengthening muscle under tension
Bicep curl moving hand from arm
To leg
Examples of uniaxial joint
Muscle will shorten to generate force
Vo2 Max equation
Max capacity of an individual body to transport oxygen for exercise