chpter 32 ob Flashcards
When ovulation occurs, the fallopian tubes move the egg, or ovum, toward the uterus with waves of muscular contraction called:
abruptio placentae
a condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall
cephalic presentation
when the baby appears headfirst during birth
a severe complication of pregnancy that produces seizures and coma
the sensation of the fetus moving from high in the abdomen to low in the birth canal.
mons pubis
soft tissue that covers the pubic symphysis; area where hair grows when a woman reaches puberty.
a newly born infant or an infant less than one month old.
placenta previa
a condition in which the placenta is formed in an abnormal location
prolapsed umbilical cord
when the umbilical cord presents first and is squeezed between the vaginal wall and the baby’s head.