Chpt 6 - Road Policing Flashcards


Urgent duty driving


Public and staff safety
Must be justified
Key critical points:
Enforcement officers must prioritise safety by driving with high std of care
No duty so urgent puts public/staff at risk
Legally responsible for actions
TENR continually used
Lights and sirens unless tactical approach

Urgent duty driving is when enforcement officer on duty driving above speed limit or natural flow of traffic and may not be complying with certain traffic rules and is:
Responding to critical incident (force or threat or force, risk of serious harm, crime in progress)
Gathering evidence of alleged offence
Apprehending offender/fleeing driver
Engaged in activities approved by COP in writing
And relying on defences under LTRUR and LTA

Factors to consider:
Time of incident (is it in progress)
Nature and seriousness 
Proximity of other units to incident
Proximity of incident 
Driver, vehicle classification, passengers
Warning devices or tactical approach 
Vehicle type

Tactical approach
Driving with or without lights/sirens
Adjusting vehicle speed, turning off or not activating lights/sirens
Approaching scene of serious crime in progress
Suicidal person
Obtaining evidence of a speeding offence where the offenders driving is not dangerous and the risk of not using the warning devices is judged as low
Can’t be used once fleeing driver incident initiated

Driver - complies with law and drives in manner that prioritises public and police safety
Enforcement officer who is passenger - advises driver about route, situational factors and risks, operates radio Comms if required
Field supervisor - manages police performance relating to driving behaviour
Identifies and manages h and s risks to staff
Immediately reports policy breaches to superior
Investigates and reports crashes involving police vehicle
Manager - ensures sureplan notified, monitoring h and s obligations, crash files progressed to DRPM and DPPCM for review
Controlling officer is the shift supervisor (constable) at Comms - ensures units are directed to incident as appropriate

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Fleeing driver policy


Police pursuing or managing pursuit of fleeing driver must be aware of these key points:
Decision to commence, continue or abandon FDP must be continually assessed TENR
Public and police safety take precedence over apprehension
Resolving as quickly and safely as possible
Inquiry phased preferred over FDP wherever possible
Decisions to abandon fleeing driver incidents will be supported

Overall principles
FD incidents must be managed in safest possible manner
Inquiry phase preferred
FD incidents will only commence/continue when seriousness of offence necessitates immediate apprehension outweigh risk
Fact that driver fleeing does not justify FDP
Decisions to abandon will be supported
FD will be held to account

Inquiry phase
Aircraft monitors FD to allow inquiry phase to be initiated 
Obs on known addresses
Registered vehicle address inquiry
Speed camera photos
Unlawful takes inquiries
Reported petrol drive offs
CCTV footage area inquiries 
Sect 118 letter to register owner
28 day impoundment sect 96

District reviewer - nominated to DC to review
Field supervisor - lead or secondary vehicle
Fleeing driver - been signalled to stop but doesn’t
Police constabulary passenger - must do Comms, advises driver of risks, may direct to abandon
Lead vehicle -
Lead vehicle driver - initiated pursuit or replacement
- has primary responsibility for deciding whether to pursue and must continually assess TENR, warning lights, sirens activated, police passenger to take over Comms, advise comms, acknowledge warning, update Comms, comply with directions from
Pursuit controller
Pursuit controller - shift commander at Comms, if unavailable constabulary team leader can do role, in exceptional circumstances PE.
Secondary vehicle - follows at safe distance, takes over Comms of lead vehicle is 1up, may direct to be abandoned advise Comms and reason
Signalling driver to stop -
Tactical vehicle s -
TENR- operational assessment tool

Other police vehicles in vicinity or responding as s requested tactical option - must not actively participate, unless preparing for tactical approach, temp road closure, collecting intel, or responding to PC direction, notify PC of location, tactical option and seek permission, cease all non essential Comms, must not follow behind FDP unless directed or approved by PC, must comply with urgent duty driving policy and any direction from PC

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Powers in respect of pursuing fleeing drivers


Section 114 LTA 1998
Empowers constable in uniform to signal or request driver to stop vehicle as soon as practicable
Constable in vehicle following another vehicle with lights and sirens activated
The stop is for traffic enforcement purposes

Section 9 S&S Act 2012
Empower constable to stop vehicle without warrant to arrest person if they have RGTS 
Unlawfully at large or 
Has committed offence and 
Beloved person in or on that vehicle 

Section 121 S&S Act 2012
Empowers constable to stop vehicle and search
with out warrant if satisfied they are grounds to search vehicle
with warrant is satisfied warrant issued and in force

Section 39 Crimes act 1961
Where any person justified or protected from criminal responsibility in
Executing or assisting to execute SW or
Making or assisting to make arrest 
Force used 
Land transport (road user) rule 2004
Vehicle being used by constable engaged in urgent duty driving 
Being used as emergency vehicle
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Land transport act 1998


Section 113
Enforcement officers may enforce transport legislation

Local government act
Road user charges
Government roading powers
Railways act
Land transport management act
Ask for details
Inspect/test examine 
RGTB vehicle cause obstruction 
Enter/authorise someone else to enter and move
Forbid unlicensed driver
Enforcement officer in uniform
Direct traffic

Section 114
Power to require driver to stop and give name and address etc

In uniform
Signals driver to stop
Sirens lights activated
Stopped for as long as necessary to exercise powers, duties, not longer than 15 mins, get particulars, registered owner of vehicle
May arrest without warrant GCTS failed to comply with this sect, gives false details

Tapara v police - can’t rely on sect 114 purely to stop vehicle and talk to passenger
R v T - not justified in stopping on assuming on drugs must use sect 121 or 9 S&S Act
Johnston v police - officers not in uniform and no lights siren used to stop vehicle
Police v duff - stopped required to give details drove off, chased and arrested. Has to remain for reasonable time will details checked no longer than 15mins.

Section 119
Powers of entry
GCTS contravened request under sect 114
Freshly pursuing 
Without warrant can enter

Page v police - police in pursuit after leaving pub with no lights on followed up driveway - was freshly pursing but police must identify and state power and reason before entering house

Section 120
Arrest of persons for alcohol or drug related offences or assault on enforcement officer

Section 121
Enforcement officer may immobilise vehicle etc in specified circumstances

Section 121A
Enforcement officer may give directions or immobilise vehicle if driver breaches certain licence conditions

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Policing act 2008


Section 35
Temporary closing of roads

Constable may temp close road to traffic, any part of road leading to or from or in vicinity of a place of RGTB
Public disorder exists or is imminent
Danger to public exists
Offence punishable 10yrs+ has been committed or discovered at that place

Road - motorway, private road, private way,
Temp - period reasonably necessary
Traffic - all includes pedestrians

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