chpt 3 Flashcards
Name some contemporary digital communication technologies. how do they affect you
Telephones, cellphones, computers and the wORLD WIDE WEB
They affect you by expanding the communication choices available and help you stay connected to people in your lifee
how can submitting photos and stories to public affect identity and membership in the world community
connections like these help affirm peoples global connection to the world. They let people share their views with many poeple
the gap separating people who do and do not have access to up to date digital tech
highest/lowest internet usage?
north america - highest
How does the digital divide affect people
Those who are not connected would not be integrated globally and become more insulated from cultural homgenization
aboriginal people tv network- 1st public AboriginalTV, w/goal to create programs by and for and about themselves to share with canadians
Anki one
- satellite made for non military uses
- satellites allowed people to receive telephone and tv signals
APTN language
(30-Aboriginal L)
(55- english)
(15 french)
Type of APTN programs
aboriginal issues and current events, tor telling, land claims, promoting their culture
MARSHALL mcluhan thought that ?
believed that people can understand the world only if they understand how they are affected by various media
mcluhan famous message
the medium is the message- means that a message is influenced by the way it is delivered ,
Mcluhan term? (2words)
global village - symbolizes the growing connections amon people around the world
Mcluhan prediction
predicted that more communication geographic and cultural differences would matter little, that this would make them citizens of the worlds
what is acculturation and accommodation ex
when people from different cultures meet and exchange goods
with the speed and complexity of exchanges occurring what is a challenge faced by people
- pos/neg of acculturation and accommodation
- pro/people learn about cultures and respect them
- con/minority culture may be assimilated