Chpt 26 Beneficial Use Of Microorganisms Flashcards
- Which of the following is NOT a way that microorganisms benefit agriculture a) Increasing nutrient availability b) Promoting plant growth c) Causing plant diseases d) Controlling pests
Answer c) Causing plant diseases Explanation Microorganisms play numerous beneficial roles in agriculture including increasing nutrient availability promoting plant growth and controlling pests However some microorganisms can be detrimental to plant health by causing diseases
- What is the rhizosphere a) The layer of soil directly surrounding plant roots b) The internal tissues of plant roots c) The atmosphere surrounding a plant d) The water table below a plant
Answer a) The layer of soil directly surrounding plant roots Explanation The rhizosphere is a specific zone of soil directly influenced by plant roots It is a rich and diverse microbial habitat where plant-microorganism interactions significantly impact plant health and nutrient uptake
- Which of these describes a symbiotic relationship between bacteria and plants a) Bacteria living independently in the soil b) Bacteria living within plant tissues without causing harm c) Bacteria forming nodules on legume roots to fix nitrogen d) Bacteria decomposing organic matter in the soil
Answer c) Bacteria forming nodules on legume roots to fix nitrogen Explanation A symbiotic relationship implies a mutually beneficial interaction between two organisms In this case rhizobia bacteria form nodules on the roots of leguminous plants providing fixed nitrogen to the plant in exchange for nutrients and a protected environment
- How do phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) benefit plants a) They convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants b) They produce hormones that stimulate plant growth c) They break down insoluble phosphates making them available for plant uptake d) They protect plants from pathogenic fungi
Answer c) They break down insoluble phosphates making them available for plant uptake Explanation Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth but a significant portion of it exists in the soil in insoluble forms PSB have the ability to convert these insoluble phosphates into soluble forms that can be readily absorbed by plants This reduces the reliance on chemical fertilizers which can have negative environmental impacts
- Which of the following is an example of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium a) Rhizobium b) Azotobacter c) Bradyrhizobium d) Sinorhizobium
Answer b) Azotobacter Explanation Azotobacter is an example of a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium It can convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia without forming a symbiotic relationship with plants In contrast Rhizobium Bradyrhizobium and Sinorhizobium are all symbiotic nitrogen-fixers that form nodules on legume roots
- What is the role of PGPR in phytohormone production a) They inhibit the production of plant hormones leading to dwarfism b) They synthesize and release plant hormones promoting growth and development c) They break down excess plant hormones regulating their levels in plants d) They have no role in plant hormone production
Answer b) They synthesize and release plant hormones promoting growth and development Explanation PGPR contribute significantly to plant growth by producing various phytohormones including auxins cytokinins gibberellins ethylene and abscisic acid These hormones regulate essential plant processes such as cell division elongation root development flowering and stress responses
- Which of the following is a commonly used microbial bio-insecticide a) Pseudomonas fluorescens b) Bacillus thuringiensis c) Escherichia coli d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Answer b) Bacillus thuringiensis Explanation Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) is a bacterium that produces a crystalline protein toxic to many insect pests BT-based bio-insecticides are widely used as a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides offering a more environmentally friendly approach to pest control
- How do microorganisms contribute to soil fertility a) By absorbing nutrients from the atmosphere b) By releasing toxic substances that kill beneficial soil organisms c) By decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients d) By compacting the soil making it harder for plant roots to grow
Answer c) By decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients Explanation Microorganisms play a crucial role in the breakdown of complex organic matter in the soil This process releases essential nutrients such as nitrogen phosphorus and potassium back into the soil making them available for plant uptake
- Which of the following is an example of a fermented food product made using microorganisms a) Bread b) Yogurt c) Cheese d) All of the above
Answer d) All of the above Explanation Microorganisms particularly bacteria and yeasts are essential for the production of various fermented food products Yeast is used in bread making to leaven the dough while bacteria are crucial for the fermentation of yogurt and cheese giving them their characteristic flavors and textures
- What is the definition of microbial biotechnology a) The study of microorganisms in their natural habitats b) The use of microorganisms to produce commercially valuable products c) The development of vaccines against microbial diseases d) The genetic modification of microorganisms for research purposes
Answer b) The use of microorganisms to produce commercially valuable products Explanation Microbial biotechnology encompasses the exploitation of microorganisms for industrial purposes It involves using their metabolic processes to produce a wide range of products including pharmaceuticals enzymes biofuels and food additives
- What is the meaning of “fermentation” in the context of microbial biotechnologya) The process of boiling fruit or grain to extract juicesb) The growth of microorganisms under anaerobic conditionsc) The production of alcoholic beverages using yeastd) The preservation of food by adding salt or sugar
Answer: b) The growth of microorganisms under anaerobic conditionsExplanation: In microbial biotechnology fermentation refers to the controlled cultivation of microorganisms often under anaerobic oxygen-limited conditions to produce desired products this process harnesses the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms to convert raw materials into valuable compounds
- What are the two main objectives of microbial biotechnologya) Producing microorganisms and preventing their growthb) Preventing microorganism growth and enhancing product formationc) Producing a desired product and preventing microorganism contaminationd) Preventing microorganism contamination and enhancing product quality
Answer: c) Producing a desired product and preventing microorganism contaminationExplanation: Microbial biotechnology aims to harness the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms to produce valuable products while simultaneously controlling the growth of unwanted or contaminating microorganisms
- Which of the following is a criterion for selecting industrially important microorganismsa) The organism must be pathogenic to humansb) The organism must be difficult to grow in large quantitiesc) The organism must be genetically stable and amenable to manipulationd) The organism must produce toxic by-products
Answer: c) The organism must be genetically stable and amenable to manipulationExplanation: For industrial applications microorganisms must possess certain characteristics including genetic stability ease of cultivation and the ability to be genetically modified if needed these traits ensure consistent production and allow for optimization of the desired product yield
- What is single-cell protein SCPa) A protein extracted from a single bacterial cellb) Microbial biomass produced for use as a food or feed supplementc) A protein synthesized using recombinant DNA technologyd) A protein found only in unicellular algae
Answer: b) Microbial biomass produced for use as afood or feed supplementExplanation: Single-cell protein SCP refers to the dried biomass of microorganisms such as bacteria yeast or algae it is a rich source of protein and can be used as a food supplement for humans or as animal feed
- Which of the following is an example of a productmade through recombinant DNA technologya) Insulinb) Ethanolc) Citric acidd) Yogurt
Answer: a) InsulinExplanation: Recombinant DNA technology allows for the insertion of genes from one organism into another enabling the production of valuable proteins in a host organism insulin used to treat diabetes is an example of a product produced through this technology
- What is bioremediation?a) The process of using microorganisms to degrade pollutants and clean the environmentb) The process of growing microorganisms for food productionc) The production of medicines using microorganismsd) The process of enhancing plant growth using microorganisms
Answer: a) The process of using microorganisms to degrade pollutants and clean the environmentExplanation: Bioremediation is a method that uses microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi
- Which of the following is a biotechnological application of fungi?a) Production of antibioticsb) Production of biogasc) Fermentation of milkd) Production of synthetic chemicals
Answer: a) Production of antibioticsExplanation: Fungiparticularly Penicillium species are used in biotechnology for the production of antibiotics like penicillin. Fungi play a crucial role in producing many medically significant compounds.
- Which microorganism is most commonly used for the industrial production of ethanol?a) Aspergillusb) Saccharomyces cerevisiaec) Escherichia colid) Lactobacillus
Answer: b) Saccharomyces cerevisiaeExplanation: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) is widely used in the fermentation process for producing ethanol especially in the alcohol and biofuel industries.
- Which of the following is NOT a product produced through microbial fermentation?a) Alcoholb) Antibioticsc) Vitaminsd) Synthetic fibers
Answer: d) Synthetic fibersExplanation: Synthetic fibers are typically produced through chemical processes not microbial fermentation. On the other hand alcohol antibiotics and vitamins are products of microbial fermentation.
- What is the main advantage of using genetically engineered microorganisms in biotechnology?a) They can live in extreme conditionsb) They produce high quantities of specific productsc) They are more expensive to maintaind) They require no nutrients
Answer: b) They produce high quantities of specific productsExplanation: Genetically engineered microorganisms are optimized to produce large quantities of specific products such as insulin enzymes or biofuels. This makes them highly efficient and cost-effective in industrial applications.
- What is the significance of Aspergillus oryzae in the food industry? a) It is used for the production of antibiotics. b) It is used for the production of biofuels. c) It is used for the production of amylase an enzyme used in brewing. d) It is used for the production of citric acid.
Answer: c) It is used for the production of amylase an enzyme used in brewing. Explanation: Aspergillus oryzae is a fungus that is widely used in the food industry for the production of various enzymes including amylase. Amylase is crucial in the brewing process as it breaks down starch into sugars which are then fermented by yeast to produce alcohol.
- What is bioremediation? a) The use of living organisms to degrade pollutants. b) The production of biofuels from plant biomass. c) The development of vaccines against infectious diseases. d) The genetic modification of organisms for environmental purposes.
Answer: a) The use of living organisms to degrade pollutants. Explanation: Bioremediation is a process that utilizes the metabolic capabilities of living organisms primarily microorganisms to break down environmental pollutants into less toxic forms. It is a sustainable approach to environmental cleanup.
- Which of the following microorganisms is known to degrade hydrocarbons? a) Bacillus spp. b) Pseudomonas spp. c) Aspergillus niger d) Corynebacterium spp.
Answer: d) Corynebacterium spp. Explanation: According to research by DeanRoss et al. in 2002Corynebacterium spp. has been identified as a microorganism capable of degrading hydrocarbons. This makes it a potential candidate for bioremediation applications in areas contaminated with petroleum products.
- What is the main purpose of a vaccine? a) To treat an existing bacterial infection. b) To provide immunity against a specific disease. c) To isolate and identify pathogenic microorganisms. d) To sterilize medical equipment
. Answer: b) To provide immunity against a specific disease. Explanation: A vaccine is a biological preparation designed to stimulate an immune response providing acquired immunity against a particular disease-causing microorganism. It typically contains weakened or inactivated forms of the microbe its toxins or surface proteins.
- What are the three main types of vaccines? a) Killed attenuated
and toxoid. b) Killed live and synthetic. c) Attenuated toxoid and recombinant. d) Live synthetic and conjugate. Answer: a) Killed attenuated and toxoid. Explanation: Vaccines can be broadly categorized into three main types: killed attenuated and toxoid. Each type utilizes a different approach to induce an immune response.
- What is a killed vaccine? a) A vaccine containing a weakened form of a live microorganism. b) A vaccine containing an inactivated toxin produced by a microorganism. c) A vaccine containing a live but non-pathogenic microorganism. d) A vaccine containing a microorganism that has been destroyed by chemicals heat or radiation.
Answer: d) A vaccine containing a microorganism that has been destroyed by chemicals heat or radiation. Explanation: Killed vaccines contain microorganisms that have been inactivated or killed typically using methods such as heat chemicals or radiation. Despite being inactivated these vaccines can still elicit an immune response.
- What is an attenuated vaccine? a) A vaccine containing a weakened form of a live microorganism. b) A vaccine containing an inactivated toxin produced by a microorganism. c) A vaccine containing a live but non-pathogenic microorganism. d) A vaccine containing a microorganism that has been destroyed by chemicals heat or radiation.
Answer: a) A vaccine containing a weakened form of a live microorganism. Explanation: Attenuated vaccines contain live microorganisms that have been weakened or attenuated so that they can no longer cause disease but can still replicate and stimulate an immune response.
- Which of the following is an example of a toxoid vaccine? a) Influenza vaccine b) Measles vaccine c) Tetanus vaccine d) Yellow fever vaccine
Answer: c) Tetanus vaccine Explanation: Toxoid vaccines are made from inactivated toxic compounds produced by bacteria. The tetanus vaccine is a classic example where the inactivated tetanus toxin is used to induce immunity against the disease.
- How do antibiotics work? a) By stimulating the immune system to attack bacteria. b) By inhibiting or killing bacteria through various mechanisms. c) By providing nutrients that boost the growth of beneficial bacteria. d) By preventing the transmission of bacteria from person to person.
Answer: b) By inhibiting or killing bacteria through various mechanisms. Explanation: Antibiotics are chemical substances that target bacteria. They can work by interfering with bacterial cell wall synthesis protein synthesis DNA replication or other essential processes necessary for bacterial survival.
- Which of the following is a self-preservation technique used by Streptomyces bacteria? a) Producing toxins to kill competing microorganisms. b) Forming endospores to survive harsh environmental conditions. c) Producing antibiotics to inhibit the growth of other bacteria. d) Releasing enzymes to break down organic matter for nutrients.
Answer: c) Producing antibiotics to inhibit the growth of other bacteria. Explanation: Many Streptomyces species produce antibiotics as a self-preservation mechanism. These antibiotics provide a competitive advantage by inhibiting the growth of other bacteria in their environment.