Chpt. 25 Verbal Communication Flashcards
Cadet J. Points
Define authoritative:
Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable.
Commanding, self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed.
Define authoritarian:
Enforcing very strict obedience to authority. Much like an autocrat, or dictator, oppressive, tyrant
What are the simple basics of human interactions?
- Active listening
- Asking questions
- Showing courtesy
- Engaging empathetically
- Observing non-verbal body language
What are the reasons for escalation by an officer?
- The officer’s message is good, but the delivery failed.
- Authoritarian thought process
- Lack of communication skill set
- Deficient skill set
- Challenges in emotional intelligence (illustrated by instances like depression, anger, fatigue, and worry).
- “Contempt of Cop”
What is the definition of crisis?
A temporary state of upset and disorganization, characterized by an inability to cope with a particular situation using customary methods of problem solving (Kantor/University of Virginia).
What is the definition of emotional intelligence?
The Institute of Health and Human Potential defines emotional intelligence as “the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions; and to recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others.”
What are key characteristics associated with EQ (emotional intelligence quotient)?
- Self-awareness of one’s attitude, thinking attached to attitude, and behaviors.
- Self-control
- Motivation and determination
- Social competency & empathy
- Understanding others
- Influencing others
What are advantages of EQ?
- Better communication and connections with others
- Controlling feelings & behavior (managing worry, anger, crisis)
- More accurate perceptions
- Better equipped to deal with unexpected stress.
- Stronger relationships bonds
- Optimism increases
What are the 4 limited connections with communication?
immaturity, ego driven, failure to value, and insecurity.
What is immaturity?
the state of being immature or not fully grown.
Maturity is the ability to see and act on behalf of others.
Only mature officers, who are focused on others, are capable of truly connecting with the community.
What is ego?
a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
There is a real danger for people with public professions to develop unhealthy, strong egos.
Tear down the ego wall and use those very stones to build a bridge of warm relationships.
What is failure to value?
Every person, regardless of intelligence or socioeconomic status has the need to feel.
What is insecurity?
This is the final reason officers often place too much focus on themselves and not on others. Just remember these commonalities of human nature.
Communication is a constant
People are ruled by their subconscious.
People need to feel they have worth, value, and importance.
We all have the potential to become reactive.
What 3 questions do people ask of you?
- Can you help me?
- Do you care for me?
- Can I trust you?
What is active listening?
Active listening is a communication technique used in counseling, training, and conflict resolution.
What are the concepts of active listening?
concentrate, understand, respond, and then remember what is being said.
What is empathy?
Empathy is the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. It is a dual level of consciousness, meaning, you are aware of their cognition/feelings and yours at the very same time. Empathy is looking into the landscaping of their mind and telling them what you see. Simply understood it is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another (walking in their shoes).
What is paraphrasing?
express the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
What are the 14 benefits of paraphrasing?
- You have hooked the person- they are listening.
- You take control because you are talking, and they are listening.
- You are making sure you heard right on the spot, not finding out later you misunderstood.
- If you have not heard accurately, they can correct you.
- You are helping to make the other person a better listener.
- You have created some degree of empathy
- Gained attention.
- Overcomes “sonic intention”
- Clarifying effect for people standing around
- Prevents “metaphrasing”
- “Reverse paraphrasing”
- Safeguard yourself
- Generates a “fair-play response”
- Etches facts into your mind
Explain the concept that one cannot win an argument:
Arguments will create defensiveness. Defensive minds are neither creative nor cooperative. Out of emotional pride, the participants of an argument usually will entrench further into their perspectives and opinions. Logic alone is usually not a strong motivator for change. Employ a combination of logic and the right degree of an emotional connection for optimal results. Furthermore, acknowledge the truthful segments of the disagreement, identify their feelings
verbally, continue to actively listen, and suppress any emotional reactive urges. Be aware of people who attempt to gain a sense of importance by arguing with you, says Jim Glennon.
Explain the power of personalized respect:
The power of appreciation cannot be underestimated or overemphasized. All humans have an innate (instinctive) need for respect and acknowledgement. If an officer genuinely and openly
respects and acknowledges another person, that person may very well associate the officer as a good or positive element in the de-escalation process. The sad truth is that we too infrequently communicate appreciation (especially to loved ones).
How do names signify recognition and respect?
- Names signify recognition.
- Personalizes the encounter.
- Way to communicate value.
- Increases the likelihood the other will agree/comply.
What are the three components of communication?
Verbal, Non-verbal, & Paralinguistic
What is Non-Verbal Communication?
- Communication affected by means other than words.
- It includes apparent behaviors such as: facial expressions, eyes, touching, spatial distance.
What is Paralinguistic Communication?
Paralinguistic refers to non-verbal elements of communication, such as tone, pitch, volume, and facial expressions, which convey meaning beyond words.
- Voice, tone
- Inflection, rate, pitch
- Timing, hesitation
- Contributes to the meaning and purpose.
Nonverbal communication is primarily conducted using what?
- Eye movements
- Facial expressions
- Body movements
- Subconscious
The nonverbal reveals what about a person?
- Mood
- Attitude
- Intent
- Sometimes even precise thoughts
What are the 6 principles of persuasion?
- Reciprocity
- Scarcity
- Authority
- Consistency
- Liking
- Consensus
What is reciprocity?
The obligation to give when you receive.
What is scarcity?
It is human nature. People want more of those things that there are less of. Most people are deeply scripted or programmed to see the world through the lenses of scarcity. It is hard for a scarcity thinker to be part of an effective complimentary team. The benefits + what is
unique about this thing + what they stand to lose if they miss this opportunity at this time to acquire.
What is authority?
People generally follow a credible knowledgeable expert.
Signal to others what makes you credible, capable, and authoritative before you make your influence attempt. Kindness, experience, specialty, and technical knowledge can be indications of your authority and expertise. In addition, command presence, your physical fitness level, pressed uniform, subject matter expertise, and communication will likewise reveal your authority.
What is consistency?
Looking for and asking for commitments. These commitments must be voluntary, active, and public.
An example of consistency can be a potluck luncheon signup sheet.
What is linking?
People prefer to say “yes” to those they like.
What are the 3 factors to liking?
- People who are similar to us
- People who pay us genuine compliments
- People who cooperate
What is consensus?
People will look to the actions of others to determine their own actions.
What are the 5 universal truths?
All people want to be treated with dignity and respect.
All people want to be asked rather than told to do something.
All people want to be told why they are being asked to do something.
All people want to be given options rather than threats.
All people want a second chance.
What are the “Four Horsemen?”
- Criticism – Complaints are fine. Criticism is more global — it attacks the person, not their behavior.
- Contempt – Name-calling, eye-rolling, sneering, mockery, and hostile humor. In whatever form, contempt – the worst of the four horsemen – is poisonous to a connection because it conveys disgust.
- Defensiveness – “The problem isn’t me, it’s you.” Defensiveness just escalates the conflict, which is why it is so destructive. It shuts down cooperation and creativity. Remember defensive minds are neither creative nor cooperative.
- Stonewalling – Tuning out. Disengaging.
What is the “L.E.A.P.S Method?”
- Listen Actively
- Empathize
- Ask questions
- Paraphrase
- Summarize