Chpt 23 Present Perfect Flashcards
He alquilado
I have rented
Has apretado
You have tightened or squeezed
Ha aumentado
He/she/it has increased
Hemos borrado
We have erased
Han decepcionado
They have disappointed
He empujado
I have pushed
Has estacionado
You have parked
Ha estado
He has been
Hemos llegado
We have arrived
Han marcado
They have marked or dialed
He tomado
I have taken
Has usado
You have used
Hemos viajado
We have traveled
What is present perfect tense?
A compound tense form with helping verb haber(to have). To have done something
1. An action that hasn’t happened yet
2 action that began in past and continues in present
3. Action in past and may happen again in present
He bebido
I have drunk
Has comido
You have eaten
Ha entendido
He has understood
Hemos perdido
We have lost
Han sido
They have been
He torcido
I have twisted
Has advertido
You have warned
Ha añadido
She has added
Hemos convertido
We have converted
Han dormido
They have slept
He hervido
I have boiled
Has ido
You have gone
Ha oprimido
He has pressed
Hemos recibido
We have received
He atraído
I have attracted
Has caído
You have fallen
Hemos creído
We have believed
Han leído
They have read
He oído
I have heard
Has traído
You have brought
Ha construido
She has constructed
Hemos destruido
We have destroyed
Han huido
They have fled
He abierto
I have opened
Has cubierto
You have covered
Ha dicho
She has said
Hemos escrito
We have written
Han frito
They have fried
He hecho
I have done
Has muerto
You have died
Ha puesto
She has put
Hemos podrido
We have rotted
Han roto
They have broken
He visto
I have seen
Has vuelto
You have returned
He descrito
I have described
Has descubierto
You have discovered
Ha devuelto
She has returned
Hemos disuelto
We have dissolved
He envuelto
I have wrapped
Has opuesto
You have opposed
Hemos resuelto
We have resolved