CHPT. 1 and CHPT. 57 Questions Flashcards
helping persons return to their highest physical and mental function is called
rehabilitation starts when the
person first seeks healthcare
A healthcare program for dying persons is a
you work in an assisted living residence. You
help person with their daily activities
who controls policy in a health care agency
the board of directors
who is responsible for the entire nursing staff and safe nursing care
the director of nursing
you are a member of
the health team and nursing team
the nursing team includes
RNs, LPNs/LVNs and nursing assistants
nursing assistants are supervised by
licensed nurses
the nursing assistant’s role is to
perform delegated tasks
your agency uses a team nursing care pattern. Which is True
an RN is the team leader
Medicare is for persons who
are 65 years of age or older
which is required for an agency to operate and provide care
A license
Which is voluntary for health care agencies
surveys are done to
see if agencies meet set standard
A surveyor asks you some questions you should
give honest and complete answers
AlRs provide 24 hour nursing care
some AlR residents have memory problems
AlR residents must speak english
ALRs provide 24 hour security
AlR residents can refuse care
ALR residents must organize their own activities
Resident doors must remain unlocked
ALRs provide an emergency communication system
Food safety involves following safe handing instruction on food labels
A person wants to attend a concert. Which is True
the ALR must respect the person’s choice
Assisted living staff must
meet state requirements
A service Plan
describes needed services and who provides them
which statement about ALR dining is true
which statement about ALR dining is true
Resident are allowed to eat in their rooms
When assisting with housekeeping
Wipe up spills right away
You assist with laundry. Which is true
Care label directions are followed
Usually ALR nursing assistants are allowed to
Give medication reminders
Drugs are kept
in a secure place
The ALR cannot provide a person with all needed services which is true
the ALR can ask the person to transfer