Chpater 8: Understanding Health, Holistic Nursing and its Philosophies Flashcards
WHO’s definition of health as
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Parsons definition of health
Defined health as an individual’s optimum ability to perform their roles and tasks effectively
holism by Smuts
emphasizing the harmony between people and nature
Nutritional habits
Type and amount of exercise and rest
How one copes with stress
Quality of interpersonal relationships
Expression of spirituality
Other lifestyle factors
Dunn definition of health
opposite of illness
Rosenstock’s (1966, 1990) model of health beliefs illustrates
how people behave in relationship to health maintenance activities; including why some people change negative behaviors and others do not.
Healthy People offers a powerful idea
provide health objectives in a format that enables diverse groups to combine their efforts and work as a team.
High belief in one’s self-efficacy leads to
efforts to change, whereas low perceived self-efficacy leads to lack of effort to change.
Holistic nursing care nourishes
the whole person, that is, the body, mind, and spirit.
Values are
the freely chosen principles, ideals, or standards held by an individual, class, or group that give meaning and direction to life.
Valuing is the process by which
values are determined. There are three identified steps in the process of valuing: choosing, prizing, and acting.
Philosophy is defined as
the study of the principles underlying conduct, thought, and the nature of the universe. It has been divided into specific areas of study as: epistemology, logic, aesthetics, ethics, politics, and metaphysics.