Chp 7-Learning Flashcards
What is habituation?
When repeated,prolonged exposure results in a gradual reduction i. Responding
What is sensitization?
When exposure to a stimulus results in a increased responding to a later stimulus
What is acquisition?
The training of a neutral stimulus to elicit a response which was previously elicited only by an untrained stimulus
What is US
Unconditioned stimulus; a stimulus that leads to an automatic response
Unconditioned Response;
Conditioned stimulus( originally a neural stimulus)
an automatic response to a stimulus.
Conditioned Response
Who is Pavlov?
Studied digestion
Noticed “psychic secretions”
What is Contiguity?
The CS and US are paired close together in time or space
What is Contingency
If the CS happens, the US happens
What is Repeated Trials?
Lots of experience with the CS-US relationship
What kind of conditioning did John Watson use on little Albert?
Fear conditioning
Stimulus Generalization
the tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimulus.
Stimulus Discrimination
The more experience subjects have with a CS, the more discrimination is typically observed.
Conditioned Taste Aversion
–Can occur in one trial
–Can occur with a delay between CS-US pairings
–Occurs more easily with novel foods
Specific Phobias
About 20% of the population (Fredrikson et al., 1995)
•Acquired through classical conditioning
Extinction (Exposure Therapy)
occurs in classical conditioning when a CR no longer occurs when the CS is presented
the technique and putative process by which behavior is modified through a new association with a stimulus of an opposite valence.
Spontaneous Recovery
–The tendency of a conditioned response to recover over time
–There are certain conditions under which SR is less likely to occur
Jane survives a plane crash that occurred because of a thunderstorm. Now, whenever Jane hears thunder, she gets anxious/afraid.
What is the US?
A.Plane Crash
C.Fear because of plane crash
D.Fear of thunder
The ABCs of Operant Conditioning
Antecedent: Sets the occasion for a behavior to occur
Behavior: Target Behavior, operates on the environment
Consequence: Contingent on behavior, can be reinforcing or punishing
increases the likelihood of behavior
decreases the likelihood of behavior
Learning that results from successive steps that approximate the target behavior
–Stop reinforcing the target behavior
Differential Reinforcement
Reinforce the absence of a behavior
–Reinforce an alternate, incompatible behavior
Observational Learning
Learning from watching the actions of others
Mirror Neurons
Fire both when an organism performs a task AND when an organism watches someone else do the same task
•Usually species-specific