chp. 4 Flashcards
The main on objects in databases are …?
tables. Why?
What is one of the major differences between application db’s and data warehouse?
how tables are created. Why?
tables in application db’s are made to support..?
applications. Why?
tabes in application db’s are mostly …?
static. Why?
Tables in a data warehouse are ..?
dynamic. Why?
Tables are ….?
products, collections of business logic, and data flows. Why?
What is the definition of orchistration?
a set of configurations to automate tasks, jobs, and their dependencies. Why?
What can we use to automate table creation process in GCP?
Cloud Composer. Why?
What are common data pipline issues?
data duplication, handling taks dependencies, managing connections , handling late data. Why?
Cloud composer is …?
an Airflow managed service in GCP. Why?
What is unique about Airflow?
you can use python scripts to manage workflows. Why?
w.r.t workflow management tools the three main components are…?
Handing task dependencies, Scheduler, System Integration.
every airflow task is made for….?
scheduling tasks rather than a one-time job runner. Why?
airflow is not a …?
user interface based drag and drop tool. Why?
airflow is designed for you … ?
write the workflow using code. Why?