Chp 3 Flashcards
Compliance dates should fall on a schedule BISP. The recommendation is to use separate orders one compliance Times are not consistent or multiple violations are cited and additional space is needed on the VO. Write as many peer orders as required to enforce all of the items in violation. Supplement sheets are not provided for the VO.If the violation order is corrected right “Personally abated-order dismissed” , The date and members name shall be recorded on the back of the yellow reinspection, white book copy and filed in the building folder. If the video is not corrected, officer may allow an extension if____Percent of the required work has been completed, a progress notation shall be made on the back of the reinspection copy. If the officer determines the order must be enforced a ____shell be issued
75%; summons
Officer should use the words failure to maintain or provide in front of the code, the remedy should start with the words maintain or provide. Enter the number of days in which the violation must be complied with. Recomended compliance times are listed in a standard form of orders. Variation of time limits listed are permitted. Compliance dates should fall on_____. Violations should be grouped to have a common date and/or time for compliance. If the different compliance states are confusing to the person receiving the order, the inspector should issue separate VO’s for each compliance date. The recommendation is to use separate orders. Right as many orders as required to enforce all of the items in violation_
Scheduled BISP.
When they comply forth with or comply immediately order is issued, change the word has not been to read is not. Change the word in_____ days of issuance date to read forth with or immediately. Do not use military time. The word forth with shell under normal conditions be construed as approximately______ .
24 hours. When the word immediately is used the work to remedy the condition shall begin at that time. The member shall issue the order to the owner, occupant, or a responsible person in charge. Enter the name of the person receiving the order
When I saw Men’s is served for failure to comply with a VO, this salmon should personally be served as the owner of the building or business. When that person cannot be located, serve a responsible person in charge of the premises. Serve a personal summons to the owner or approved person in charge. An approved person in charge is anyone who has control over the premises. Factors to determine an approved person in charge including whether they have keys to restricted areas of the building. Identify themselves as a manager. Do not put the owners name on the summons when someone else is served. A summons can also be served to the approved person in charge in a building where a VO was issued. Avoid serving salmon stew former owners, secretaries, handyman, employees or customers with no responsibility for maintaining the premises or correcting the violations. Does this have to be the same person in the video was issued to?
This does not have to be the same person the video was issued to. The only exception to personal service is service upon a corporation or partnership. The best way to serve a summons upon a corporation and partnership is to send them to the administrative enforcement unit, Bureau Of Legal Affairs, which will arrange for service by a process server.
Service and disposition of the criminal court summons problems: if a defendant refuses to take a summons you may drop the summons in their direct facility. If I defend it leaves before you have an opportunity to serve the summons, you may leave it with another person at the premises who is suitable age 18 or older and discretion. If this person refuses to take the summons, you may leave it in there direct vicinity.If a defendant destroys or discard the summons after you serve them, the summons were still properly served. If you have any other problems serving a summons, contact who?
Supervisor or BISP unit.
Hey summons may only be issued against the city agency in the following instances:
A. To a custodian or principal of a public school for a locked exit.
B. To a New York City Housing Authority manager or superintendent for a standpipe or sprinkler shut down without prior fire department notification
C. When directed by the bureau of fire prevention
The A-8 Fire department referral report shall be used for ______conditions that require a follow up a valuation by the bureau of fire prevention’s field public operation support unit. Conditions that require a follow up a valuation by the Department of buildings shall be made using_______
Non-serious; DOB referral report form
The A-8 fire department referral report is subdivided into two categories, fire prevention referrals and PTSU referrals. A separate A-8 must be completed if conditions found require both a fire prevention referral and a PTSU referral. Inspection and enforcement procedures in leased commercial space on transit Authority property should proceed in the same manner as if space was not on transit Authority property. Concern Shelby forwarded to FPOSU. City owned or operated facility and eight Dash eight is forwarded, place an___In the city agency box in the upper right hand corner of the A-8
The DOB referral report requires a follow up a valuation by DOB. It is not used in situations requiring immediate action. The DOB referral report is subdivided into two categories, normal priority and high priority referrals. Referral report Shelby emailed through the chain of command to
The BISP unit. The BISP unit will forward it to DOB
Inspection and enforcement procedures in leased commercial spaces on transit authority property should proceed in the same manner as if the space was not on transit Authority property. If a DOB referral report is forwarded from least commercial space on transit authority property, and she shall be emailed through the chain of command to
BISP unit. Eminently perilous conditions shall be addressed utilizing existing procedures, example vacates. If the unseen deputy chief or battalion chief believes the condition is hazardous enough to require immediate action request an immediate DOB response.
____Shall be considered when none extremely hazardous or immediate in nature and access issues are not present. The pre-printed Hi priority referral I am on the report are the only referral items that can be designated as high priority. A separate DOB referral report marked as high priority shall be prepared:
High priority;
•For each address on premise
•For each high priority referral condition for the same address
•When both a normal priority referral item and a high priority referral item exist at the same address or premise
Company officers shell, upon receipt of a complaint because prompt inspection. Violation orders, Fdny summons or criminal court summons his shell, when necessary, be issued. In the event conditions require action by other agencies, referrals or special reports shall be probably forwarded. Upon receipt of a complaint not within their administrative district, company officers shall except the particulars and
Record same and Company journal, and promptly convey all necessary information to the proper unit by telephone.
Above do not apply to complaints related to places of public assembly such as theaters, sports Arena, convention Hall, dance halls, cabarets or similar occupancies. Search complaints will be immediately telephoned to the administrative battalion chief. The battalion chief I’ll investigate with the administrative unit.
Units or to complete and forward and investigation of complaint report A-17 for all complaints. Complaint shall be investigated probably, but must be investigated within____
24 hours.
The officer shall_____ and unendorsed copy of the A-17 Final or interim to______ immediately after conducting an investigation. If access is not possible after this investigation, though_________Report box in the upper right hand corner she’ll be marked.
Fax; to the BISP unit; INTERIM report; only final report shall be emailed through the chain of command.
At least 1 to 2 per day shall be made to complete the investigation within_____ hours if completed a_____Report is sent.
72 hours; final report;
If the investigation cannot be completed after the 72 hour time limit a telephone notification shall be made to________.
BISP unit. BISP may have additional information and direct additional inspections or BISP could request the forwarding of a final report
Residential fire emergency markings: the main entrance is marked with
A star. Starshell be located above the room ID numbers
Secondary entrance is marked with
A triangle. Triangle shall be located above the room ID numbers
Multi floor dwelling units up or down or Mart with
Arrows pointing up or down. These units may have two levels up, two levels down, or one up and one down.
Sandwedge design multi floor dwelling units are marked with
And arrow up or down with a mark similar to a T. Sandwich apartments have no living space on the entrance floors.