chp 3 Flashcards
What are the factors of production and what is the production function?
The production function: Y= F(K,L) This function shows how much output (Y) the economy can produce from K (units of capital) and L (units of labor)
What is constant returns to scale?
A production function has constant returns to scale if an increase of an equal percentage in all factors of production causes an increase in output of the same percentage. So if production function has constant returns to scale, then we get 10% more output when we increase both K and L by 10% So mathematically it looks like: zY = F (zK, zL). Equation shows that if we multiply both the amount of capital and labour by some number “z”, output is also multiplied by z
What are the assumptions of this chapter?
Technology is fixed. The economy’s supplies of capital and labor are fixed which makes output fixed.
Notation for this chapter for supply?
W = nominal wage (price of labor) • R = nominal rental rate (Price of capital) • P = price of output • W /P = real wage (measured in units of output) • R /P = real rental rate
Equation for profit?
Profit= PY (Revenue) - WL (labour costs) - RK (capital costs).
What is the marginal product of labour?
The extra amount of output the firm gets from one extra unit of labour holding the amount of capital fixed. MPL= F(K,L+1) - F(K,L)
What is real wage?
The payment to labour measured in units of output rather then dollars, to maximize profit firms hire up to the point where MPL= real wage or W/P
What are factor prices?
The amount paid to the factors of production, wage for worker, and rent owner of capital.
What is the cobb-douglas production function?
The Cobb-Douglas production function has constant factor shares: a = capital’s share of total income: capital income = MPK × K = a Y labor income = MPL × L = (1 – a )Y The Cobb-Douglas production function is: Y= AK(a)L(1-a) where A represents the level of technology.
What is the marginal product of capital?
The extra amount of output the firm gets from one extra unit of capital holding the amount of labour fixed. MPK= F(K+1,L) - F(K,L)
What is the real rental price of capital?
The rental price measured in units of output rather then dollars, to maximize profit firms hire up to the point where MPK= real rental price or R/P
What is the cobb-douglas production function related with average product?
MPK= aY/K or average production of capital MPL= (1-a)Y/L or average production of labour
Notation for this chapter for demand?
Components of aggregate demand: C = consumer demand for g & s I = demand for investment goods G = government demand for g & s (closed economy: no NX ) (g&s=goods and services)
What is disposable income?
Y-T or Income minus taxes
What is the consumption function?
C= C (Y-T) or consumption times (income minus taxes)
What is the marginal propensity to consume?
The change in C when disposable income increases by one dollar.
What is the investment function?
I= I(r) where r is the real interest rate. Demand for investments goes down as real interest rate goes up. real interest rate is the cost of borrowing, the opportunity cost of using one’s own funds to finance investment spending.
What is the aggregate demand function?
G= government spending
What is private saying?
(Y – T ) – C
What is public saving?
What is national saving?
What is the equation for change in consumption?
DC = MPC x (DY - DT )
D is delta or triangle